Friday, November 29, 2019
M16- Americas Hero! Essay Example
M16- Americas Hero! Essay he M16 has evolved along with American Warfare. The M16 start off with a Research Project funded by the Army. The first model of the M16 rifle was the M16A1 which had many problems. (Wikimedia 1) The next model was the m16a2 which was the successor of the M16A1 that didn’t have the same problems. The following model was the M16A3 which was a newer more advanced M16 compared to the M16A2. (Wikimedia 1) Following the M16A3 was the M16A4 rifle that was even more sophisticated and technologically advanced than its earlier model.America had adopted the M16 and improved it until it became the weapon of choice in modern warfare. The origin of the M16 assault rifle came from the Operations Research Office soon after the end of the Korean war. (Gunpedia 1) This operation was funded at Hopkins University which was sponsored by the United States Army. (Gunpedia 1) In 1963, an American company named Colt received and order of 19,000 rifles for the United States Airforce. (Gunpedia 1) Thus the M16A1 is born. Then in 1966 the United States government put in a large purchase of 840,000 rifles to support the growing number of troops being stationed in Vietnam. Gunpedia 1) The M16A1 proved most ineffective during the war in Vietnam. This was because the M16A1 rifle had a jamming problem and the troops using this weapon were not prepared to clean it and keep it up on its maintenance. (Wikimedia 1) With the occasional jam many casualties occurred.This forced Colt to develop a new weapon that would not retain some of the flaws of the old rifle. Thus the M16A2 was born. This new rifle did not show any of the old rifles problems and was used to replace its older version. Gunpedia 1) As the years went by many innovations and improvements were made to the M16A2 assault rifle which led to the creation of the M16A3 and the M16A4 rifles. (Wikipedia 1) These newer models both came out by 1996. (Gunpedia 1) This was how the M16 came to be in America. The M16A1 was the first model of the M16 assault rifle used by the United States. The Country of origin of this rifle was the United States of America. The designer of this weapon was Colt which is an American company. This weapons production began in 1963 in The United States. (Gunpedia 1) The M16A1 shot a 5. 56 millimeter bullet. Mcnab 282) The M16A1 first saw combat in Vietnam in 1963. (Gunpedia 1) The Rifle was used in jungle warfare against the Vietnamese. The gun was ineffective because of a jamming problem; this was cause of many casualties. (Gunpedia 1) Although the M16A1 had its flaws it was used to replace the M14 as the United States standard infantry rifle. The M16A1’s successor was the M16A2. America then upgraded to the M16A2 rifle.This rifle fires rounds at 5. 56 millimeters. (Mcnab 282) This rifle had adjustable fire rate ranging from semi-automatic to three round burst. This rifle was engineered and first put in use in the early nineteen eighties. Gunpedia 1) There were numerous upgrades do ne to the M16A2 to increase its effectiveness on the field. The first upgrade was a windage adjustable sight that was placed in the rear of the carrying handle which was innovated by the United States. (Wikimedia 1) The next innovation was an adjustable stock that extended from five to eight inches for maneuverability; this was also an American improvement. (Wikimedia 1) Also the gun was made heavier to carry the bullet better. Also there was an added case deflector for left handed shooters. (Gunpedia 1) The hand deflector was made cylindrical to accommodate for left handed shooters. Gunpedia 1) Both of these advancements had been made by American companies. Although this was a huge advancement it was mainly used only in National Guard and the Navy by Navy Seals for Special Ops missions. (Wikimedia 1) The next model manufactured was the M16A3. The M16A3 was the Rifle model made after the M16A2. The M16A3 had a semi-Automatic mode and also supported a fully automatic setting as well. (Gunpedia 1) This rifle is commonly referred to as a M16A2 with a fully automatic setting and a Picatani rail. (Wikimedia 1) This is a common misconception because the M16A3 supports many more features than just these to.Although this was a new model it wasn’t widely used in the United States military. This was probably due to its almost identical features with the M16A2. This gun was mostly used by the Navy Seals and was ordered along with a larger batch of M16A4s. (Gunpedia 1) Colt was the manufacturer of this weapon. (Wikipedia 1) After these models of production were put out in 1994 a new model of M16A4s came in. The M16A4 is currently the newest model of the M16s. This rifle’s country of origin in the United States of America. (Wikimedia 1) The designer of this weapon of this weapon was the American company Colt.This weapons production started in 1994 in America. (Gunpedia 1) The A4 shoots a 5. 56 millimeter bullet and is gas operated. (Mcnab 282) This weapon is being used in Iraq and Afghanistan today. This rifle is the most modern rifle with the most advancements in the line of M16s. Although this is the best of the best when it comes to M16’s this rifle is being phased out of the U. S. military by 2010 being slowly replaced by the M4 Carbine. (Wikimedia 1) America had started with nothing and built its way to the most modern weapons we use today. America had started off with the problematic M16A1 rifle.After an advancement to the firing mechanism America had created the M16A2 rifle. With many improvements to the M16A2 rifle came the M16A3 and the M16A4 Rifles which are the most modern version of the M16 assault rifle today. America has made much advancement in technological warfare.Mcnab, Chris. Twentieth-Century Small Arms. Metro Books. New York, NY 1001, 122 fifth avenue, 2001. gt; (source 1) lt;†M16 Rifle†Wikipedia. 2010. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/M16_rifle
Monday, November 25, 2019
Addiction of A Legend essays
Addiction of A Legend essays Being famous and living the glamour life isnt always what it seems to be. On camera actors look happy, but deep down inside they are starving to live and be a regular people. Actors cant be normal people because the public imposes its own preconceived notions of how entertainers should be. In the late 1930s, through present day, movie actors, particularly women, and popular singers, were forced to have the ideal look of the time period. Show business is a very competitive career to be involved in. If actors are not what the public demands of them, they can be replaced quickly. Due to the pressures and demands of the movie industry in the 1930s-1960s, many actresses, such as Judy Garland, were forced to be the stereotypical thin girl in order to keep doing what she loved, acting. The burden to be perfect that was put on Judy Garland, which slowly led her down a path of drugs, and gradually led to her downfall. Frances Gumm was born to a family of vaudeville performers in Grand Rapids, Minnesota on June 10,1922. She was brought into the world of acting at an early age. Her first ever performance was on December 26, 1924. She sang Jingle Bells during her parents Christmas show at their Grand Rapids Theater. (Teachout, 50) She joined the The Gumm Sisters Kiddie Act, at age three with her two older sisters. The three continued to appear at theaters and social functions around the Grand Rapids area until their move to Lancaster, California. When they moved, Judys father bought a local theater, and immediately enrolled his daughters in dancing and acting lessons at schools in Los Angeles. Their mother was their manager, and booked many events for the girls where they began to develop a fan population. The Gumm sisters appeared in a few small works such as, The Starlet Revue (in 1929), A Holiday in Storyland, The Wedding of Jack and Jill, and Bubbles. When the sisters traveled with their ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
New Orleans Jazz Bands Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
New Orleans Jazz Bands - Research Paper Example Secret societies ascribed to the Yoruba and Dahomean people assured fellow tribesmen of a proper burial being performed following one’s death. In order to oversee the accomplishment of this guarantee, resources were pooled in order to ensure the formation of what was generally labeled an early insurance form (Hersch, 32). When slaves were shipped to America, the notion of affording proper burials to fellow sisters or brothers remained strong. With the passing of time, the same concepts that had deep roots in African ideology evolved into one of the basic principles that formed the social as well as pleasure clubs in New Orleans. In a similar way that numerous fraternal orders did, this social club guaranteed proper conditions of burial to any member who eventually passed. These organizations emerged as precursors to companies dealing with debit insurance and burial insurance as a concept (Jacobsen, 55). In New Orleans, they talk of an individual ‘being sent off with musi c’. The Jazz funeral is New Orleans’s fundamental music experience. It is imperative that an individual be buried properly to ensure that their souls are at peace. The African protocols that marked a proper burial in New Orleans encountered those of Europe. Dancing during funerals was not only a guarantee in Africa, but also an old Spanish tradition that hailed from African heritage. The South embodied an African burial tradition that usually took place at night. Meanwhile, New Orleans’s Catholic City, held processional funerals that were led by the church, dating back as far as the Spanish era (Jacobsen 59). The beginning of the nineteenth century saw band instruments beginning to play during funerals for back people in New Orleans. By the end of the century, the funerals were held for uptown Protestants of Anglo-American descent and Catholic Creoles alike. Many of the former embodied what New Orleans refers to as a ‘spiritual church’, renowned for its music traditions that are quite powerful. Brass bands had grown to great popularity in New Orleans and the rest of the country. Jazz had its roots nourished in the African-American community to a great extent, but grew into a broader phenomenon drawing from numerous ethnic groups and communities in New Orleans. A collaborative relationship that was special developed New Orleans’s brass bands and societies for mutual aid and benevolence. Societies for Mutual Aid and Benevolence were common in New Orleans among numerous groups during the nineteenth century (Hersc, 47).Following the Civil War, these organizations took on adopted a special meaning for the emancipated African Americans with limited economic resources. These societies served the purpose of helping the sick and burying the dead. These were important functions, seeing as there was a general prohibition barring blacks from securing health insurance and commercial health services. Whereas numerous organizations in New Orleans utilized brass bands in concerts, parades, funerals, and political rallies, the African-American societies for mutual aid and benevolence took on a distinctive expressive approach to parades and funeral processions-something which goes on at present. During their events, celebrants in the community would join the exuberant processions of dance. The phenomena that characterized the community participating in parades came to be known as ‘
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Unemployment Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Unemployment - Article Example otential and actual output, this article refers to the calculations presented by Lewis Alexander of Nomura Securities by using labor market indicators. According to these reports, the employed people represented 63 percent of population in 2007, as compared to 59 percent for 2009 population. The author thus justifies that the actual unemployment rate, as related to the actual output, is almost 1.1 percent higher than the given figure of 5.5 percent. The article emphasizes the fact that many people in the country have stopped looking for jobs, which is falsely reflected through the decline of employment rate. Therefore, the author suggests that it is important to persuade such long-term jobless people to hunt actively for jobs. In this direction, the article refers to the recent call from President Obama to many corporate entities for encouraging such employment seekers. (Closing the Gap 2014) I do not agree with the author, as I believe that job is the necessity for every responsible householder. Any person needing a job cannot afford to give up the efforts for looking at fresh employment opportunities until he or she gets the desired job. Further, the population figures relating to employed percentage is not the correct representative of employment growth, as increase in population can be mainly due to increase in young adults, who are not old enough to seek any job. Closing the Gap (2014). â€Å"America’s labor market has suffered permanent harm.†Retrieved on Dec. 15, 2014, from:
Monday, November 18, 2019
Hilton Embraces Collaboration with Information Technology Partners Assignment
Hilton Embraces Collaboration with Information Technology Partners - Assignment Example It was also crucial to embrace collaboration with technology leaders because then, it would be possible to focus more on the company’s core competencies. It is much easier for them to do so without having to worry about things such as systems implementation, research and development practices, and also technological solutions (Webb 1). One of the major problems associated with collaborating with five IT leaders might be their lack of cooperation. It may be hard trying to get these companies to work together and share ideas, and also work through their interdependence (Webb 3). For example; If AT&T and IBM refused to identify each other’s importance, it would be impossible for them to work together for the greater good of the company. Furthermore, it would be a major problem if the IT companies fail to adhere to the governance process that exists in the company. What this means is that, if there is a failure to follow the governance procedures that exist prior to the commencing of the contracts, there might be a loss of contract
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Environmental Impacts By Mining Activities Environmental Sciences Essay
Environmental Impacts By Mining Activities Environmental Sciences Essay Mining and its allied activities have taken big strikes during the last century contributing significant infrastructure development and raising the living standards of mankind. However, they have also brought in their wake, degeneration and degradation of natural resources, pollution, health risk and socio-ecological instabilities. Bundelkhand region, occupying almost 71818km2 in the central planes of India, is known for its rich deposits of pyrophyllite, moram, salt peter, granite, diasporas, sand, etc. Currently, there are around 325 active mining sites in Jhansi district alone. Deforestation, dust generation, water, air and noise pollution and resource depletion are common hazards associated with opencast mining widely prevalent in this region. The present paper attempts to reveal the base line environmental quality and socio-economic setting in and around such mining sites with special reference to the effects on the air, water, changes of land use pattern and occupational health effects of mine workers etc. It also attempts to provide a framework for management strategies to improve the environmental conditions in the mining sites and its adjoining environments. The geographical location of Bundelkhand regions is such that it acted as gateway between north and south India. Administratively, it covers seven district of Uttar Pradesh. Mining and exploitation of mineral resources generally have a considerable impact on the land, water, air, and biological resources as well as socio-economic setting of the local population. Its foci are the environmental issues being confronted by the surface mining industries of Jhansi.The magnitude of impact depends on the methods, scale and concentration of mining activities, and the geological and geomorphological setting (Ghose and Majee 2001). In India the national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) was formulated in 1994 to assess and compare the air pollution level for different areas (CPCB 1998). Opencast mining, widely prevalent in the Bundelkhand region, though cheaper are known to have more environmental consequences. In opencast mining a massive overburden will have to be removed for the exploitat ion of the various deposits. This will require excavators, transporters, loaders, conveyor belts etc., resulting into various environmental problems. Environmental impacts of mining operation at individual site may be local phenomena, but numerous mining sites clustered at a particular area may eventually led to environmental problems of larger magnitude. Large scale opencast mining operations in the study area disturb the land by directly removing mine wastes during excavation and concurrently dumping it in adjacent areas. Every mine, big or small, operating or new has to obtain environmental clearance from the Govt. of India (Ghose 1991). Jacko (1983) has given estimates of fugitive dust from some mining operations. Wind blown particulate matters of loose mine spoils and dust generation from crushers and excavation sites may affect ambient air quality in the mine and adjoin areas. Air quality status in Indian environment is dominated by suspended particulate matter (SPM) causing g reat concern to environmental planners (Ravindra 1991). Noise pollution, especially which due to blasting, might be reduced by strict adherence to noise emission standards (McClean 1992). Water resources are particularly vulnerable to degradation even if drainage is controlled and sediments pollution reduced. Rain and drainage water which may affect the plants, animals and human populations. Groundwater problems may be particularly troublesome in the semi-arid region of Bundelkhand since, water is a scarce resource and people rely groundwater is very difficult and expensive. 2 Methods Field surveys were carried out in some selected mine areas (Figure. 1) in Jhansi district to collect relevant information. Data and literature pertaining to the mineral deposits in the region was gathered from various sources. The information related to the status of health and socio-economic impacts were extracted by using structured questionnaires. The respondents include randomly selected mine workers and head of families residing in mine areas. The ambient air quality assessments were carried out in Gora Machiya granite mine area. High volume air samplers (HVS Envirotech Ltd., New Delhi) were used with an average flow rate between 1.1 1.3 m3 m-1. The air samplers were kept at a height of 6m. Sampling was done for 24 h in 8 h intervals. SPM and RSPM were computed after weighing the glass fibre filter paper (Schleicher and Schà ¼ll, Germany) before and after sampling. Analyses of water quality (APHA 2005) were done by collecting ground water from hand pumps, ponds samples from in and around mining area during pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon. The hand pumps were operated 10 minutes before collecting the samples. Samples were collected in clean polythene bottles having air tight stoppers. Information pertaining to the health effects of granite mining on the mine workers and the local residents in the nearby villages were survey with the help of a structured Questionnaire. The information collected include, respiratory, eye, hearing loss, skin, accident and others. Various informal interviews with miners, mining officials, government officials, and local community members (around the source of air pollution) were conducted during the study period. 3 Result and discussion Mining in Bundelkhand region are mainly carried out by opencast extraction method. Open cast mining involves the removal of overburden including the valuable topsoil and plus the natural vegetative cover to meet the ore deposits. These activities are associated with harmful effects to the local environment. Mining activities are carried out in various stages, each of them involving specific environmental impacts. Broadly speaking, these stages are: deposit prospecting and exploration, mine development and preparation, mine exploitation, and treatment of the minerals obtained at the respective installations with the aim of obtaining marketable products.The emerging environmental hazards associated with open cast mining practices are many but the major problems may be summarized as follows: 3.1 Air Pollution Opencast mining operation creates enormous quantity of dust of various sizes which passes into transportation and disperse significant amount of suspended particulate matters (SPM) and gaseous pollutants in to the atmosphere. These pollutants not only affect the mine workers but also affect the nearby populations, agricultural crops and livestock. During the field study it has been observe that RSPM and SPM is the major source of emission from opencast granite mining in Jhansi. The minimum and maximum value of RSPM and SPM is 155 µg m-3 to 234 µg m-3; and 393 µg m-3 to 541 µg m-3 respectively. The extent of harmful affects depends largely on meteorological conditions prevailing in the region. Depending on the size suspended particulate matter may cause (a) Respiratory disorder in animals and human due to inhalation of fine particles, (b) Ophthalmic disease, as particulates act as carrier of pathogens, (c) Lower agricultural yields due to obstruction of light needed for photos ynthesis by the dust cover on surface layer of plants, and (d) Poor visibility near crusher. The variation of SPM and RSPM in the four sampling stations for the month of November to January is depicted separately in Figure 2 4. In general the SPM load in all the sampling stations was more than the RSPM concentration and this is as per expectation. 3.2 Water pollution Mining activities are known to affect both the surface and groundwater regime. The local topography and drainage pattern may considerably influence the severity of pollution. The main sources of liquid effluents in opencast mining are: (a) De-watering of mine water, (b) Spent water from dust extraction and dust suppressing system and (c) Leachate run off from waste dumps. The water composition of the mine water primarily depends upon the host rock composition as well as the mineralization process. Generally, sulfides containing minerals yield acidic mine water whereas in mineral bearing oxides, the pH of the water may go up to 8.0. pH of the mine water of the area was alkaline in nature (7.6-8.5) and conductivity varied between 372 and 1642  µS cm-1 (Table 1). The average conductivity (1,009  µS cm-1) and TDS (839 mg l-1) values for mine water are higher as compared to the groundwater (864  µS cm-1 and 669 mg l-1) and surface water (411  µS cm-1 and 303 mg l-1). Due to exces sive soil and other structural erosion the runoff water contains high amount of suspended solids. These decrease the penetration of light in water bodies receiving the runoff water affecting the survival of living organisms. The leachate water can be extremely toxic containing heavy metals depending on the overburden composition and may pollute the ground water. 3.3 Noise Pollution In open cast mining blasting is a common practice which produces high intensity of noise. Deafness is brought about by slow but progressive degeneration of neuro-sensorial cells of the inner ear. Besides, noisy working environment in the mining sites are known to result into communication impairments, task interference, sleep interference, change in personal behavior, etc. of the mine workers. In addition, noise produces other health effects, influences work performance and makes communications more difficult. Besides, the fauna in the forests and other areas surrounding the mines/industrial complexes is also effected by noise and it has generally been believed that wildlife is more sensitive to noise and vibrations than the human beings.The noise level is comparatively high in the active zones in the granite quarries due to drilling, blasting and the mine service stations. It was found to be in the range of 96 to 125 dB. These are much above the limits of 75 dB prescribed by WHO for day time industrial areas (WHO 1980). In the granite quarries the exposure for long periods to these high levels of noise is likely to affect the ear diaphragms of the workers. Instantaneous loudness from blasting can reach 100 dB and vibrations can be felt up to 2 km distant. At 10 metres, the noise from excavators, spreaders, conveyor belts and their driving stations all may attain 85-95 dB. Even at 1,000 metres noise sources of 75 dB create loudness levels as great as 49 dB (UNECE 1988). 3.4 Land degradation Opencast mining excavates large land areas to extract the mineral ore and at the same time requires huge areas to dump the mine spoils. During this course of action often lands under the cover of forest or agriculture are diverted for mining. Some important impacts on the lands due to opencast mining may be: (a) Change in topography resulting in drastic change in drainage pattern and reduction in aesthetic value, (b) Slope stability problems triggering lands slides and rapid soil erosion, (c) Rapid siltation and degradation of surface water bodies and (d) Blanketing mine spoils in the nearby agricultural and grazing lands. A change of land use pattern in Goramachiya village has been shown in figure 5. 3.5 Improper disposal of mine-wastes Dumping 0f mine wastes without proper location of will cause adverse impact on environment. This depends on the type of mineral, the method of mining and nature of topography around the mines. Actually in course of mining materials is far more than mineral of economic value, which is utilized. The rest is disposed at mine site. The rejected materials may be the overburden, inter burden, side burden, on the tailing rejected after beneficiation. This material is physically, chemically and structurally unstable and is to be dumped on the adjoining land area, add to be the deleterious impact prone to subsistence chemically as well as hydrological unstable for plant growth as it carried for with water streams and degraded environment on the land in vicinity. 3.6 Loss of Biodiversity One major crisis of the present day in Bundelkhand region is the rapid loss of biodiversity. Large scale operations of mining activities have contributed directly or indirectly to the depletion of the biological diversity in the region. Vegetative covers are open up at various places to expedite excavation of ore, development of mining infrastructure and dumping of overburdens. Removal of vegetative cover is often followed by massive soil erosion, siltation of river and reservoirs. The direct impacts on the living organisms in the mining areas may range from death of plants and animals due to mining activity or contact with toxic wastes and mine drainages, disturbance of wildlife habitat due to blasting and heavy machines. Indirect impacts may include changes in nutrient cycling, disruption of food chain and instability of ecosystem. 3.7 Occupational Human Health Problems Opencast mining is more severe an air pollution problem in comparison to underground mining. In active mining sites, miners are persistently exposed to large concentrations of dust, gaseous pollutants, high levels of noise and last but not the least accidents, which constantly pose a severe threat to miners life. The data on various health effects obtained from the current survey for the mine workers and the population inhabiting in and around the granite mining site is illustrated in Figure 6. Health problems related to skin and respiratory disorder are widely prevalent in the area. Maximum of the respondents complain problems related to skin and respiratory diseases. A total of 108 respondents have skin problems which comprises of 74 men and 35 women. The digging, blasting and drilling of granite mine generated dust particles of various sizes into the immediate atmosphere. Crystalline silica is a common but variable component of granite. Most of this dust is usually made up of sil ica (occurring as silicon dioxide SiO2). As the mining is increasing, workers exploitation is also increasing. Workers are facing serious problems of their health, livelihoods, and minimum wages. The most prevalent occupational diseases among the mine workers in Bundelkhand are: (a) Hearing problems: Effect of heavy noise from use of heavy machineries and rock blasting cause auditory effect as well as non-auditory effects in mine workers and surrounding people, (b) Auditory impact: Auditory effect of noise causes impairing of hearing, (c) Non-Auditory impacts: These type of effect cause loss of working efficiency due to the physiological disorders like hypertension, cardiovascular disease and so on, (d) respiratory problems: Mineral dust particles originating from mining activities on inhalation by lungs and thereby causing a number of concerned problems like silicosis. These diseases are common in Goramachiya and Dagara village of Jhansi. (e) Eye problem: Dust particle from mining activities contribute to cause of certain eye problem like conjunctivitis and kerato conjunctivitis and (f) Skin problem: Deposition of dust particles on skin interrupts U.V. radiation, which causes different skin diseases. 4. Remedial Measures 4.1 An environmental management plan (EMP) for sustainable mining activities India, however, is not a unique case, as it is a well known fact that most mining adversely impacts on the environment. It is mandatory to draft an environmental management plan (EMP) before commencing such projects in India. Several countries have adopted different strategies for tackling pressing environmental problems in the industry. For effective implementation of an EMP, a mid-term corrective measure is essential, such as a time bound action plan, this includes a programmed for land reclamation, afforestation, mine water treatment, surface drainage and check dams, and sewage treatment. Development has environmental costs. Therefore, the role of the law is to see how and where to absorb these costs to keep damages at a minimum. The responsibility to improve environmental management rests with the Project Officer of the project. As far as air, water, noise and soil pollution control measures are concerned; samples are collected and tested at strategic locations during all four se asons. The implementing authority is guided and advised as per the data received from the laboratories. 4.2 Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is one of the proven management tools for integrating environmental concerns in development process and for improved decision making. As EIA and EMP have been made statutory requirements for starting new mining ventures as well as for existing mines, (at the time of renewal of mining plans) measures to prevent environmental degradation have become a subject of priority with the mine managements. In the initial years, environmental clearance was only an administrative requirement. Since 1994, EIA and environmental clearance have been made statutory for 30 categories of developmental activities in the sectors of industry, thermal power, mining, river-valley infrastructure and nuclear power. The minerals reserves in the Bundelkhand region are varied and huge in quantities, it is expected that the mining activities may be intensified in future further deteriorating the environmental quality. Proper environmental impact assessment and some times a socio-economic impact assessment should be carried out. Baseline data should be effectively incorporated in management of the mining sites in Bundelkhand region. For proposed mining projects, it is necessary to address the potential environmental impact issues that may arise due to proposed mining activities i.e. an assessment of the potential impacts of a project on the pre-mining environment. The plans required for the EIA must be at appropriate scales to show the level of detail required for the particular project or aspect described. The economic growth and development of the country depends not only on resource optimisation but also on environment management. This aspect of industrialization was not envisaged by planners in the past. 4.3 Afforestation Afforestation practices help in restoring and enhancing the vegetative cover in mine areas in various ways. For reclamation through Afforestation following inventories are the prerequisites such as area to be planted, slope gradient, quality of soil, climate conditions and nature of biotic pressure. For plantation priority must be given to native species in the following order, mining sites, overburden sites and abandoned sites. Those species have to be selected having fast growing tendency to enable to maximum canopy in short time as well as hard woody and ability to fix direct atmospheric nitrogen. 5. Conclusion Mining activities are unsustainable not only because they exploit non-renewable resources, but also because they leave behind them destruction of the environment and society, which is very often irreversible. Because of its impacts, mining is one of those activities that need to be strictly controlled at all stages, from prospection and exploitation to transportation, processing and consumption. After abandoned of mines, there is no proper closure of mines; waste dumps will be there, no rehabilitation of the area, no compensation for the labours. There will be always question of that whether land will be given back to the landholder or not. It has been suggested that after closure of mine lands should be given to the landholders, after proper rehabilitation of land. Then they can start to earn his livelihood from the cultivating their own land. Environmental quality must be sustained in areas affected by surface mining. This requires designing and developing environmentally sensitive strategies for extraction and land reclamation. It demands a more rigorous control of environmental impact assessment and more attention to ensuring productive and sustainable land restoration. Mine rejected granite waste stone materials should be distributed to the local people who are inhabitant the satellite village and also initiate for the manufacture of brick in house purposes and roads. Filter masks should be provided to the workers and plants crushers and mine areas.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Thi PPACA: Obisoty end Tiin Prignency Privintoun Prugrems :: Prignency Assostenci Fand
Carrint stetostocs ondoceti thet on thi Unotid Stetis 4 uat uf 10 gorls woll bicumi prignent et liest unci bifuri thi egi uf 20 (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1314). Thos pupaletoun uf muthirs os muri lokily tu drupuat thin uthir eduliscints on thior egi gruap (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1314). In fect, muri then 60% uf tiins whu govi borth bifuri thi egi uf 18 woll drup uat uf hogh schuul, pattong thim et e grietir rosk uf biong ompuviroshid letir on lofi (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1314). Addotounelly, thi choldrin uf eduliscint muthirs eri muri lokily tu hevi cumplocetid dilovirois thet cen lied tu chrunoc midocel end divilupmintel prublims (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1315). Woth hoghir retis uf puvirty es will es oncriesid prignency cumplocetouns, meny tiinegi muthirs mey riqaori essostenci woth ecqaorong hielth onsarenci, choldceri, end verouas uthir sirvocis. Woth thi pessong uf thi ACA, thi Dipertmint uf Hielth end Hamen Sirvocis on e pertnirshop woth thi Sicritery uf Edacetoun istebloshid e Prignency Assostenci Fand thet dostrobatis $25 molloun ennaelly fur thi foscel yiers 2010-2019 (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). In en ettimpt tu meki ot iesy fur ixpictent muthirs tu bi ebli tu cerry thior prignencois tu tirm, thos grent prugrem pruvodis stetis woth fands, tu bi asid et thior doscritoun, fur fuar spicofoid gruaps uf ectovotois (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). Wholi thi prugrem ixtinds sirvocis tu ell prignent ur perintong wumin, meny sirvocis eri teolurid tu thi niids uf tiins end eduliscint muthirs. Forst tois mey bi dorictid tuwerds cumbetong voulinci egeonst prignent wumin thruagh fandong ontirvintoun end sucoel sirvocis tu wumin whu eri voctoms uf ontometi pertnir voulinci, sixael essealt ur stelkong eruand thi tomi uf thior prignency. (Buunstre, 2010, p.12). Sicundly, thi fands mey asid tu omplimint ectovotois fur tiinegirs thruagh hogh schuul en d cummanoty cintir prugrems (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). Thordly, muniy mey bi dostrobatid tu onstotatouns uf hoghir idacetoun tu essost stadints on eccissong hielth ceri, choldceri end e veroity uf uthir sirvocis (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). Fonelly, stetis mey asi thisi fands tu onfurm thi pabloc uf thi sirvocis eveolebli tu prignent tiins andir thi crietoun uf thi PAF (Buunstre, 2010, p.12). Fur ondovodaels wothuat ediqaeti ur eny hielth onsarenci, eccissong tomily ceri os cumplocetid (Saltz & Yuang, 2014, p.298). Addotounelly, thos leck ur cuviregi mey lied meny tu siik ceri on imirgincy cintirs es oncriesid retis then on uthir embaletury sittongs (Saltz & Yuang, 2014, p.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Enrollment system Essay
Welcome! The following terms serve as a contract that governs your use of our family of websites, applications and services (the â€Å"Service†). BY SIGNING UP, OR ACCESSING OR USING THE SERVICE, YOU SIGNIFY THAT YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS (â€Å"AGREEMENT†OR â€Å"TERMS†) AND TO RESOLVE ANY DISPUTE BY ARBITRATION. 1. Summary of Terms These Terms have the same force and effect as an Agreement signed in writing. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not use the Service. Each time you access, upload, or download any content from the Service, you signify your agreement to the then-current terms. This Agreement is subject to change at any time; therefore, you are responsible to review these Terms regularly to learn about any changes. We will post an updated version of these Terms if we modify them. You understand and agree that your ongoing use of the Service after we post or provide notice of the changes to this Agreement means that you accept and confirm that the updated Terms apply to you. The laws of the State of California govern this Agreement. You agree to resolve any dispute with us as provided in the Dispute Resolution Procedures described in Sections 21 and 22 below, which include arbitration and the options you have with arbitration. We use the term â€Å"You†to mean the person or entity who will access or use the Service as an end user. The term â€Å"Login†means the combination of unique username and password that is used to access our Service. A login is a license to use a site, application or service for a period of time that is specified. â€Å"Membership†or â€Å"Members†means a single registration and/or subscription account per user of a valid username and password (login) for the service during the term of a subscription. â€Å"We†or â€Å"us†in this Agreement shall mean: its brands, affiliates, subsidiaries and operating divisions.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Book Analysis: Jack Sprat’s Wife
Everyday she goes out to the market In order to buy meat, her husband's favorite food. She had read many books in order to know how to Improve her cooking for him. He ate all the beef and she ate the fat. Then, we learn that she exercises at the municipal pool and that she does not enjoy having sex with her husband because she is not comfortable with her body. Later on, surprisingly we discover that she had killed, packaged him and labeled his meat inside the freezer in order to eat him over. She starts vomiting in order to get thin, as it is socially expected.Soon after, we learn she had cooked some meals with him, and ate them because â€Å"she deserved It†. In the story she thinks she Is Invisible. ND one possible reason for her health situation could be that she eats in order to be visible. On her husband's birthday his mother-in-law goes to visit her. She tells her that her husband had gone on a trip and later on, The first concepts, subordination and subversion are shown in the main feminine character, through her food problem, it is, apparently due to her own vision of herself, an Incomplete human being, subordinated not only to her husband, but also to food.Her only around Is preparing food for her husband and she â€Å"tames time†by eating. The feminine character attempts to change her reality, to subvert things, cause she thinks her husband's meat was the key, as he ate all the healthy part of meat, she eating him over would get healthy, according to her , he is â€Å"the antidote to what ails me†. The other concepts, public and private spheres are shown through the idea that what we consume, conscious or unconsciously can heavily affect our private life.In the case of this story, there is a woman whose private life had been greatly affected by the media and the opinion of other people when someone is not skinny. The capitalism has a great Influence over these Issues, In order to gain an economic and the social effect it carries. It is socially established that being thin is to be beautiful. In the case of this female character, as she is fat, she is embarrassed of going out, she does not enjoy sex, and she thinks that her husband does not like her, despite the fact that he actually loves her and cares for her.Our minds are filled with the idea that if we consume such a product or we eat such a thing we are going to be beautiful and successful. This affects our feelings, thoughts and desires. It also changes the way we actually live. To sum up, I would like to add that we should analyze the publicity before we actually take for granted what they say to us.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Homeschool If You Work Outside the Home
How to Homeschool If You Work Outside the Home If you and your spouse both work full- or part-time outside the home, you may think homeschooling is out of the question. Although having both parents working outside the home does make homeschooling trickier, with efficient planning and creative scheduling, it can be done. Here are some practical tips for successfully homeschooling while working outside the home. Alternate Shifts With Your Spouse Perhaps the most difficult aspect of homeschooling when both parents work is figuring out the logistics. This can be especially tricky when young children are involved. One of the easiest ways to ensure that there is always a parent at home with the children is to alternate work shifts with your spouse. Alternating shifts also helps with school. One parent can work with the student on a few subjects while he or she is home, leaving the remaining subjects for the other parent. Maybe Dad is the math and science guy while Mom excels at history and English. Splitting up the schoolwork allows each parent to contribute and to work to his or her strengths. Enlist the Help of Relatives or Hire Reliable Childcare If you are a single parent of young children, or you and your spouse are unable or unwilling to alternate shifts (because that can put a strain on both the marriage and family), consider your childcare options. You may want to enlist the help of relatives or consider hiring reliable childcare. Parents of teens may decide that their kids can stay home alone during the parents’ working hours. Maturity level and security concerns should be taken into serious consideration, but it is often a viable option for a mature, self-motivated teen. Extended family may be able to provide childcare and oversee schoolwork that your child can do with minimal help and supervision. You might also consider hiring an older homeschooled teen or college student to provide childcare if there are only a few overlapping hours in the working parents’ schedules. You may even consider exchanging child care for rent if you have extra space available. Use Curriculum That Your Students Can Do Independently If you and your spouse are both working full-time, you’ll probably want to consider homeschool curriculum that your children on their own, such as textbooks, computer-based curriculum, or online classes. You might also consider mixing independent work that your children can do during your work shifts with more activity-based lessons you can do in the evenings or on weekends. Consider a Co-Op or Homeschool Classes In addition to the curriculum that your kids can complete on their own, you might also consider homeschool classes and co-ops. Many co-ops do require that the parents of the kids enrolled to take an active role, but others do not. In addition to regular co-ops, many areas offer group classes for homeschoolers. Most classes meet two or three days per week. Students enroll in and pay for the classes that meet their needs. Either of these options can meet the scheduling needs of working parents and provide in-person teachers for core classes and/or desired electives. Create a Flexible Homeschool Schedule Whatever you decide to do as far as curriculum and classes go, take advantage of the flexibility that homeschooling offers. For example, homeschooling doesnt have to take place from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. You can do school in the mornings before going to work, in the evenings after work, and on the weekends. Use historical fiction, literature, and engaging biographies as your family’s bedtime stories. Science experiments can make exciting family activities in the evenings or on the weekend. Weekends are also the perfect time for a family field trip. Get Creative Working homeschool families encourage thinking creatively about activities with educational value. If your kids are on sports teams or take a class such as gymnastics, karate, or archery, count that as their P.E. time. Use dinner prep and household chores to teach them home economics skills. If they teach themselves a skill such as sewing, playing an instrument, or drawing during their free time, give them credit for the time invested. Be aware of the educational opportunities in the everyday aspects of your lives. Split up or Hire Help for Household Chores If both parents are working outside the home, it is vital that everyone either pitch in to help or that you seek outside help for maintaining your home. Mom (or Dad) can’t be expected to do it all. Invest time to teach your children the life skills necessary to help with the laundry, housekeeping, and meals. (Remember, it’s home ec class, too!) If theres still too much for everyone, consider what you may be able to hire out. Perhaps just having someone clean your bathrooms once a week would lighten the load or maybe you need to hire someone to maintain the lawn. Homeschooling while working outside the home can be challenging, but with planning, flexibility, and teamwork, it can be done, and the rewards will be worth the effort.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The importance of lesson plan and methods in the Foundation Program Essay
The importance of lesson plan and methods in the Foundation Program used in Omani Universities to the study of language skills - Essay Example s primarily on the enhancement of students’ proficiency in English, so students enrolled in the program have a full day schedule with a weekly load of around 30 hours, including study groups.†â€Å"The program is communicative in nature, shifting the emphasis from grammar to meaningful oral and written communication. The instructional materials adopted for the program have performance-based objectives as well as clear scope and sequence for teaching communicative skills. The program approaches language as a tool of communication and stresses reading and writing as the two main language skills instrumental for students success in university-level education through the medium of English. The teaching methodology treats language skills in an integrated fashion and incorporates study skills into the program. The teaching methodology is communicative in nature, presenting authentic and simulated communicative tasks in real life However most of the students in the foundation programmer are unappreciative with the role of English language. In this stage of a students’ academic life, it is very important for the teacher to find effective ways to help these students progress to the next level. Teachers must know their students and their needs very well. They have to decide on which communication skills they would develop : reading, writing, speaking, listening, or phonology. As with any instructional method, everything starts with lesson planning. A well-developed lesson plan is the foundation to a good execution of a lesson. According to research, planning sets the stage in teaching and school learning making it the most critical part of instruction teaching and school learning (Clark & Dunn, 1991). The lesson plan must align with the goals of the program as well as the curriculum so that it would fit the context of the learner. In short, the lesson plan must translate into instruction the goals of the Foundation Program. Since the program aims to focus
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Should we still talk about a digital divide Essay
Should we still talk about a digital divide - Essay Example The use of e-mails significantly enhanced information exchange in business, learning institutions as well as between individuals (Zittrain 2009). Initially the cost of internet connection, just like any innovative technology in the market cost a huge sum of money upon its commencement and availability in the market. According to research, by the year 2004, almost 50% of adults in America alone do not have access to internet technology, a situation that is attributed to financial constraints (Warschauer 2003). There after, the price of applying this technology has reduced tremendously allowing all economic classes to access information, other factors such as literacy and awareness held constant. With regards to the economic perspective, digital divide is a concept that is fading day by day especially in the developed countries. Mobile phones that have internet access are available in the market at reduced cost than they used to be, and people can communicate better using modern commun ication software such as Skype. According to Turban et al., (2011), Skype serves an average of 25 million clients during peak hours. It has been significant in the lifestyles of the modern society. The most important aspect has been lowering the cost of telephone services. Subscribers of Skype are able to communicate effectively through unlimited phone calls, which is not possible through the common telephone service providers. Moreover, Skype services are accessible globally and therefore every person who has access to the internet can use them (Booth, 2010). Owen et al. (2006) observes that in the developed economies, people have an opportunity of choosing what kind of communication to use rather than where... According to the research findings there are various theories that have been applied to explain the concept of digital divide. These lead to three categories of digital divides including; the economic divide, usability divide and empowerment divide. To begin with, the theory of economic divide is focused on the affordability of information systems and equipment such as computers and telephone. During the inception of Information Technology in the society, the acquisition of computers by individuals required large amounts of money. This limited information flow to a small group of wealthy people who could afford a personal computer. The digital divide was large on a global perspective. The rate of adoption of ICT was also different among global economies. The complexity of emerging technology has locked out many people from accessing and utilizing information. This limitation goes beyond economic aspects with regards to the existence of a digital divide. Most of the less developed cou ntries are still struggling to accomplish the objectives of primary education. Computer literacy is considered to be tertiary level and hence little or no resources are budgeted for it. Empowerment is the practice of augmenting the religious, political, societal, racial, gender and ethnic strength of individuals and groups of people to acquire the confidence needed to accomplish a particular goal. The empowered develop confidence in their competences.
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