Tuesday, December 31, 2019
How to Write Police Brutality Argumentative Essays
How to Write Police Brutality Argumentative Essays Argumentative essay demands from a student special writing skills, as creating an essay is similar to art. The special point about argumentative essay is that it requires not only the opinion about the topic, but also a plan and ability to make a well structured paper. Any argumentative writing will require concentration on the topic and data. It should include arguments, facts and statistics relevant to the topic, conclusions and communication with the reader. The topic for argumentative essay should be debatable to give the chance to present two or more points of view. You have a really nice topic – Police brutality. This topic itself offers opportunity to open a discussion, because notions in the topic are near to be opposite to each other: police is the governmental structure that is called up for protection; and brutality of police seems to be abnormal notion. But, if you will look deeper inside, you can discover not only examples, but also bias about the discussed issue. It is of high importance to base your arguments on personal position, world tendency and on your idea with data, reasons and arguments. It is recommended to use only reliable sources for data and material, such as scientific materials, journal articles, books and some reliable Internet resources. Get sure that all your sources are referenced according to the chosen or given style of the paper (MLA, APA, Oxford, Harvard, etc.). Your next step is writing itself. You should necessarily organize your work in terms of grammar and citations. The most important thing to always remember: argumentative essay’s essence lies in the fact that all your arguments and ideas must be supported by recent data concerning the topic. The best way to make your argumentative essay interesting for the reader is developing two opposite points of view. This way you can better support your key idea. And to make the process of writing easier, its better to make a kind of small research on the given topic before you will start to write. Get sure that your argumentative essay is well-reasoned and supported with data, evidence and facts. When the paper is completed, reread it again (it is better to do it the next day) for editing and proofreading. Also you will check again if your arguments and data are sufficient for covering the topic.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Violent Video Games and Their Effects on Adolescents
â€Å"According to data recently released by The NPD Group, in 2012, U.S. video game software sales reached $6.7 billion (174.8 million units) and computer game sales were $380 million (13.2 million units)†(Improving Economy). To many, the violent video game industry has turned all adolescents into mass murderers. However, they’re absolutely wrong. Very seldom do adolescents who play violent video games commit acts of violence, and the ones who do usually have a mental disorder. Instead of blaming the tragedies that occur on violent video games, the news media should explain to people that a large percentage of young males play violent video games, indicating that the two are uncorrelated. They should alternatively research other possible solutions to the crisis. In lieu of negatively affecting people’s lives, video games could potentially improve their lives! School massacres have become more prevalent in this last decade. As part of the police investigation that concludes the shooting, they look for a motive. The first thing that people are frequently told from the news media is that the suspect’s motive was from playing a violent video game, not that they have a mental illness that may have caused them to execute their mass murder. Sane players of video games grasp the fact that they are playing a video game. â€Å"Their ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality prevents them from emulating video game violence in real life†(ProCon). Whereas people who have a mentalShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Adolescents2804 Words  | 12 PagesImpact of Violent Video Games on Adolescents Jessica Fentress University of the Cumberlands â€Æ' Abstract Violence in association with video games has been a debate that has been circulating for some time now. In light of the onslaught of recent public shootings, most shooters being adolescent males, research is resurfacing once again posing the question, â€Å"Do violent video games influence or cause extreme aggressive behavior and cognition?†The research suggests that while violent video games may stimulateRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children And Adolescents Essay1325 Words  | 6 PagesOne of the hottest issues in the media in the past decade is violence in video games and how violent video games influence aggressive and violent behavior in children and adolescents. Some psychologists believe violent video games influence violent behavior in children through social learning and modeling behaviors after characters in video games that â€Å"glorify†violence and criminals (Schultz Schultz, 2013, p. 331). Other psychologists argue that other factors , such as poor socioeconomic statusRead MoreThe Effects of Violent Video Games on the Behavior of Adolescents and Young People792 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Violent Video Games Introduction The debate about violent video games and whether or not those games influence the behavior of young people in particular, young boys has been going on for many years. There is no doubt that video games are very popular among pre-adolescents and adolescents. In fact, recent research in the New Hampshire Business Review (June, 2012) shows that 42% of the 300 boys that participated in a survey indicated they would rather play video games than play sports with otherRead MoreViolent Video Games : Positive And Negative Effects On Children And Adolescents774 Words  | 4 Pagesgaming systems, violent video games have become well-liked by children and adolescents. The playing of violent video games has always been a controversial topic, but in recent years it has become a heated debate. Whether the playing of these games desensitize the player or not. Video games have been around since the late 1970s, however violent video games were introduced in the 1990s. In recent years the violence i n games have increased along with the enhanced graphics making the games more realisticRead MoreThe Effects of Violent Video Games Essay1685 Words  | 7 Pages Since violent video games, like Mortal Kombat, were created, adolescents who play these games become more aggressive than before. To me, playing violent video games is unsafe for these people since they have the negative influence on these people. I believe that researching on that topic would help us get the sense of what problems to avoid. I wish to know what are the possible effects of violent video games on adolescents’ aggression. The independent variable is violent video games, and theRead MoreViolent Video Games Essay889 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å" Video game violence has become a highly politicized issue for scientists and the general public †( Ferguson, 2007 p309). The video game is always controversial as some of them contain sexual and violence and so on. Especially some violence games were played by the adolescents. Adolescents are very fragility. Violent video games are negative for the children which will impact their social relationship, their health and make them has aggressive behavior. First violent video games will impactRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Adolescents844 Words  | 4 Pages With all of the effects of violent video games leaning more towards the negatives, better regulation is required to keep out of adolescents’ hands. In order to keep violent video games from adolescents reach, a detailed and eye-catching label put across the game covers will be beneficial to the problem. By applying this to all video games that fit into the description of violent video games, parents will be more aware of the effect of video games on adolescents as well as be easier to read and beRead MoreViolent Media And Its Impact On Aggression1544 Words  | 7 PagesViolent Media and Its Impact On Aggression In Adolescence In recent trends, adolescents in the United States are now experiencing an explosive rise in the usage of technology. There have been many technological advances since the 20th century such as the invention of the Internet, cellular devices, and other screens. However, the new generation of adolescents in America; the â€Å"millennials,†are the ones living through and experiencing this new economy and lifestyle. Millennials and many other youngRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children902 Words  | 4 PagesThe lives of adolescents consist of indulging themselves with some form of an activity that occupies their restless minds. Violent video games are a conflict in modern day society because children are witnessing harsh behaviors that are conditioning them to believe it is acceptable to commit these actions displayed before their eyes. There are many health effects that are involved with participating in these products of entertainment such as an increase in aggression, poor social skills and the formationRead MoreThe Effects Of Playing Video Games On Adolescents1554 Words  | 7 PagesNovember 2016 Adolescents Playing Video Games An Issue Analysis Essay Introduction: Are there people who have never played video games at least once in their adolescence? You might recall some happy memories of playing video games with your best friends or that your parents punished you because you spent a lot of time playing video games. Most school teachers and parents are apt to think that playing video games in adolescence might only have negative impacts on adolescents. Playing video games is considered
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Imperialism is a both good and bad idea Free Essays
This is portrayed in the movie apocalypse now. They portray the event the Vietnam war which had many countries imperialistic Vietnam. The war caused the death of millions of people and was very tragic on the Vietnam people and their homeland. We will write a custom essay sample on Imperialism is a both good and bad idea or any similar topic only for you Order Now This war also had an effect on the soldiers and the horror they witnessed over seas. This movie perfectly captured the idea of the war and what it did to the landscape and people involved in it. Imperialism was a time where countries mainly those in Europe were going around the world and taking over other smaller countries. The main countries that partook in this event were France, Britain, and Spain in no particular order. These countries did not just one day feel like imperialistic their had to be a need for impersonation. This was normally when the country was in need of money, and or other resources they would go any. Veer and do anything to acquire the resource they needed. For example the French were seeking ports to trade goods so the covered a lot of west Africa coast ensuring they would have large areas of trade. But many areas did not allow countries to come in and steal their land. Many countries had small UN modern militaries setup and even though they could not defeat the modern weapons and soldiers of the invaders many of hem would fight to keep their land. The natives would often through uprisings though often unsuccessful they would try to fight the much better equipped Europeans who would come in and enslave their people. Many nations not only faced trouble with the natives but with the environment as well. Many Europeans were unfamiliar with which plants were harmful or beneficial and in some cases many caught diseases from foreign bugs that they were not prepared to fight off. Many European nations treated the natives of the countries they imperialism as equals France were one country that saw them as such. They were willing o even let some natives become French citizens if they adopted the French language and culture. Some were even given jobs and treated as citizens with the same rights as those in France. But if the natives did not accept their culture and ideas they would be seen as racially inferior. On the other hand the British gave their natives little support due to the idea that independence means independence from Britain. The British even took the natives out of their armies due to their racist and superior ideology. When nations left the countries they had imperialism they left lasting effects on the people and Netscape. While a nation was imperialistic a country they devastated it. They would kill people in public to show their dominance. They would also euthanize the natives because they felt superior. Many times they would mow down large numbers of people with machine guns just for standing up for their rights. These events left the countries devastated. Many crops were taken by the ruling nations and they left nothing for the natives. Many nations also left many people dead with many dead bodies around this attracted parasites and bacteria, which spread diseases. Many of the natives were to beaten to ark to keep their families alive So many of them starved to death. This was a common thing that came with imperialism it was also very well portrayed in the film apocalypse now. Apocalypse now is a film based on a man in the Vietnam war who is sent to kill a fellow soldier who has gone off the deep end. The movie takes place in Vietnam and is very accurate with what they portray. This event follows a Richard Colby who is the officer sent to kill Kurt, the officer who is running his own army in Vietnam and murdering hundreds of people savagely. Joseph Conrad based this â€Å"crazed captain†on the character Kurt from the vela Heart of Darkness, but many people feel he is a representation of Tony Poe. How to cite Imperialism is a both good and bad idea, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Absolute Advantage vs Comparative Advantage †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Absolute Advantage vs Comparative Advantage. Answer: Introduction The essay revolves around price elasticity of demand knowledge and its importance to producers. Price elasticity of demand is directly impacted to laws of demand and supply. Further ,theres need to understand the absolute advantage and comparative advantage economic concepts management .In addition, theres need to explore the role of specialization and exchange concepts in comparative and absolute advantage. The concept of price elasticity of demand translates to the responsiveness of production to changes in price. Predominantly, in cases of inelastic demand, price increases thus maximized profits whereas elastic demand for goods and services results in decreased revenue .Regarding supply ,the higher the price of a good the higher the quantity demanded hence increased revenue for producers. Reasons for considering price elasticity of demand when setting the price According to the Demand laws, the higher the price of a commodity or service, the less the quantity of commodity or service will be consumed hence it is important for producers to consider price elasticity of demand to enable them meet their target as producers through fixation of optimum price levels(Hayes,2017).Additionally, through price elasticity of demand ,producers are able to be economically and allocative efficient in the sense that production is based on the market conditions at the time hence no wastage of quantity produced. Moreover, through the price elasticity of demand, producers are able to maximize profits in the sense that when the price of goods and services is high ,theres equally increased production(Quantity supplied)thus increased revenue for the producers(Hayes,2017)Further ,price elasticity of demand helps the producers incur less or avoid losses in the sense that when the price of goods is elastic, producers are able to produce less goods to avoid wastage which would otherwise be incurred without proper market information. Also, marketing strategies are best devised with proper knowledge in price elasticity of demand management that is because goods with high elasticity of demand require more marketing strategies cost as compared to goods with low elasticity of demand(Guo,2017). Noteworthy, the principle of absolute advantage is based on absolute advantage theory which stipulates that production of greater and better quantity of goods using the same resources available to competitors whereas comparative advantage is based on comparative advantage theory which implies lower opportunity in the production of goods than competitors. Typically, specialization isnt vital for comparative advantage but vital for absolute advantage. Whereas comparative advantage is based on opportunity cost, absolute advantage is based on superior capabilities and cost. Additionally, comparative advantage promotes mutual benefits while absolute benefits one party more than the other (Olivia, 2011) Comparative advantage is considered the basis of trade. Absolute advantage deals with productivity. Further, comparative advantage determines specialization (Boundless, 2017) Conclusion This essay explores the importance of considering the price elasticity of demand of goods and services from a producers point of view. Further, it looks at the differences between comparative and absolute advantage from the standpoint of specialization andexchange perspectives .All in all it can be said that laws of demand and supply play a crucial role in production and profit maximization .Lastly, specialization is key for comparative advantage in trade. References Boundless.(2017)Absolute Advantage vs Comparative Advantage.Boundless.Retrieved from https://www.boundless.com/economics/textbooks/boundless-economics-textbook/international-trade-31/introduction-to-international-trade-124/absolute-advantage-versus-comparative-advantage-493-12589/ Guo, V.(2017)Price Elasticity 101:The Necessity and your pricing strategy. Price Intelligently. Retrieved from https://www.priceintelligently.com/blog/bid/154374/price-elasticity-101-the-necessities-and-your-pricing-strategy Hayes, A. (2017) Economics Basics: Supply and Demand management.Investopedia. Retrieved from https://www.investopedia.com/university/economics/economics3.asp Olivia. (2011) Difference between absolute and comparative Advantage. Difference Between. Retrieved from https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-absolute-and-vs-comparative-advantage/
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