Monday, August 24, 2020
Personnel Management and Organizational Behavior Essay
Four different ways to shape representative conduct are: encouraging feedback, negative support, discipline, and annihilation. Uplifting feedback is following a response with something agreeable (Robbins and Judge, 2007). Workers need acknowledgment for surpassing the organization’s standard on work execution. An efficient prize program will rouse representatives to exceed expectations the organization’s standard. Case of this are: worker of the month, quarter or year, and acknowledgments to representatives for introducing thoughts to improve the organization’s activity. Negative fortification is additionally alluded as â€Å"looking busy†. Chiefs ought to disclose the errand to the worker, give fundamental assets, and guarantee the work is performed to standard. These activities will help dispose of negative support. Discipline and knowing the organization’s standard are legitimately related. The organization’s standard, obligations and duties of the workers must be built up so as to consider representatives responsible for their off base conduct. Discipline can be utilized as the best approach to uncertain workers adheres to the norm. The distinctive sort of disciplines must be remembered for the working environment strategy to guarantee the worker realizes what could occur in the event that he/she doesn't keep the norm. Elimination is a conduct not strengthened, making it vanish (Robbins and Judge, 2007). Sufficient oversight and correspondence in the working environment are two key components to survey this conduct and kill when isn't required. Supervisors need to create approaches to shape employee’s conduct so as to improve execution. Molding the employee’s conduct begins with receiving practice that urge representatives to be mindful, steadfast, and focused on an organization’s objective (â€Å"Strategic Planning in the Payroll Department†, 2007). A portion of these practices incorporate setting measures, building up obligations and duties, and direct management. Talk about the three parts of a demeanor. The principle parts of a demeanor are: intellectual, full of feeling, and social. Subjective segment is an intentionally held supposition or conviction (Colborn, 2007, p. 68, for example, â€Å"sexual badgering is wrong†. Administrators ought to implement esteems, exclusive requirement, gathering and social conduct attention to improve the workplace. The full of feeling part is the passionate tone or sentiment of a demeanor (Colborn, 2007): â€Å"I don’t like Charles, since he irritates his female employees†. Pioneers ought to keep up open correspondence with their representatives to let them express their sentiments and feelings. Social segment is the plan to act with a particular goal in mind toward a person or thing (Robbins and Judge, 2007, for example, â€Å"I’m going to maintain a strategic distance from Charles in view of his ill-advised conduct†. This activity could mess up the work gathering and if not handle appropriately it will set an aw ful guide to the representatives. Taking everything into account pioneers ought to comprehend the segments of a mentality so as to build up intends to maintain a strategic distance from these in the workplace. Authorizing values, exclusive requirements, open correspondence and keeps directing are critical to progress. How is limited objectivity identified with dynamic? Limited levelheadedness is characterized as settling on choices by building disentangled models that extricate the basic highlights from issues without catching all their unpredictability (Robbins and Judge, 2007, p. 161). This idea utilized a technique where an agreeable arrangement is gotten in stade of the ideal arrangement. This methodology is driven by past encounters, restricted data and choosing the primary arrangement that fulfills the requirements. Dynamic procedure is a detail procedure to get the best arrangement. During this procedure all other options and game-plans are thought of and assessed totally. This methodology devours time and assets in light of the fact that each option must be assessed so as to acquire the best arrangement. As I would see it the dynamic procedure ought to be practice however much as could reasonably be expected so as to acquire the ideal answer for an issue. Pioneers ought to know about the two methodologies and select one dependent on schedule, wellbeing concerns, need of the errand, and assets accessible. What is a quality circle? Quality circle is a work of representatives and directors, who meet routinely to examine their quality issues, research causes, suggest arrangements, and take remedial activities (Robbins and Judge, 2007, p. 237). A fruitful quality circle ought to incorporate the accompanying: an officer, singular task, provisional occasions, progress report, execution and execution checking. The representative will be accountable for leading the gatherings, keeping record of the issues, progress and execution. Issues ought to be conceptualize by the gathering and doled out to the best qualify worker. Every issue should make some speculative memories to acquire an answer. During each gathering an advancement report is required so as to guarantee ideal arrangement of the issue. Executing the arrangement and observing its exhibition will guarantee employee’s fulfillment and create believability to the quality circle. The end explanation of the quality hover is to fix issues in the association.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
On Going a Journey Essay Example for Free
On Going a Journey Essay One of the pleasantest things on the planet is going an excursion; however I like to pass without anyone else. I can appreciate society in a room; however out of entryways, nature is organization enough for me. I am then never less alone than when alone. The fields his investigation, nature was his book. I can't see the mind of strolling and talking simultaneously. At the point when I am in the nation, I wish to vegetate like the nation. I am not for condemning support lines and dark steers. I leave town so as to overlook the town and all that is in it. There are the individuals who for this reason go to watering-places, and convey the city with them. I like more breathing room, and less incumbrances. I like isolation, when I surrender myself to it, for isolation; nor do I request â€â€a companion in my retreat, Whom I may murmur isolation is sweet. The spirit of an excursion is freedom, immaculate freedom, to figure, feel, do similarly however one sees fit. We go an excursion predominantly to be liberated from all obstructions and all things considered; to abandon ourselves, significantly more to dispose of others. It is on the grounds that I need a bit of breathing space to muse on unconcerned issues, where Contemplation May crest her quills and let develop her wings, That in the different clamor of resort Were very unsettled, and now and again impaird,â that I missing myself from the town for a little while, without feeling at a misfortune the second I am left without anyone else. Rather than a companion in a post-chaise or in a Tilbury, to trade beneficial things with, and change the equivalent stale themes over once more, for once let me have a ceasefire with rudeness. Give me the reasonable blue sky over my head, and the green turf underneath my feet, a twisting street before me, and a three hours walk to dinnerâ€and then to intuition! It is hard on the off chance that I can't begin some game on these solitary heaths. I chuckle, I run, I jump, I sing for happiness. From the purpose of there moving cloud, I dive into my past being, and revel there, as the sun-consumed Indian dives quick into the wave that drifts him to his local shore. At that point since a long time ago overlooked things, as indented wrack and sumless treasuries, burst upon my eagerâ sight, and I start to feel , think, and act naturally once more. Rather than an unbalanced quietness, broken by endeavors at mind or dull basic places, mine is that undisturbed quietness of the heart which alone is immaculate expressiveness. Nobody likes jokes, similar sounding word usages, absolute opposites, contention, and examination better than I do; however I here and there had rather be without them. Leave, gracious, leave me to my rest! I have a few seconds ago different business close by, which would appear to be inert to you, however is with me very stuff of the soul. Isn't this wild rose sweet without a remark? Doesn't this daisy jump to my heart set in its jacket of emerald? However if I somehow managed to disclose to you the condition that has so charmed it to me, you would just grin. Had I worse at that point remain quiet about it, and let it serve me to brood over, from here to there rocky point, and from thus forward to the far-removed skyline? I ought to be nevertheless terrible organization such way, and in this manner lean toward being distant from everyone else. I have heard it said that you may, when the surly fit goes ahead, walk or ride on without anyone else, and enjoy your dreams. However, this resembles a break of habits, a disregard of others, and you are thinking constantly that you should rejoin your gathering. Out upon such half-confronted association, state I. I like to be either altogether to myself, or totally at the removal of others; to talk or be quiet, to walk or sit still, to be friendly or lone. I was satisfied with a perception of Mr. Cobbetts, that he thought it a terrible French custom to drink our wine with our dinners, and that an Englishman should do just a single thing at once. So I can't talk and think, or enjoy despairing pondering and exuberant discussion by fits and starts, Let me have a friend of my way, says Sterne, were it however to comment how the shadows protract as the sun decays. It is wonderfully stated: yet as I would see it, this constant contrasting of notes meddles and the automatic impression of things upon the psyche, and damages the opinion. On the off chance that you just clue what you feel in a sort of moronic show, it is lifeless: on the off chance that you need to clarify it, it is making a drudge of a joy. You can't peruse the book of nature, without being never-endingly put to the difficulty of interpreting it to help others. I am for the synthetical technique on an excursion, in inclination to the diagnostic. I am substance to lay in a load of thoughts at that point, and to look at and anatomise them subsequently. I need to see my dubious thoughts drift like the down of the thorn before the breeze, and not to have them snared in the briars and thistles of debate. For probably the first time, I like to have everything my own particular manner; and thisâ is unimaginable except if you are distant from everyone else, or in such organization as I don't pine for. I have no issue with contend a point with any one for twenty miles of estimated street, however not for delight. On the off chance that you comment the fragrance of a beanfield going across the street, maybe your individual voyager has no smell. In the event that you point to a removed item, maybe he is foolish, and needs to take out his glass to take a gander at it. There is an inclination noticeable all around, a tone in the shade of a cloud which hits your extravagant, however the impact of which you can't represent. There is then no compassion, yet an uncomfortable longing for after it, and a disappointment which seeks after you in tra nsit, and at long last presumably creates grouchiness. Presently I never fight with myself, and underestimate all my own decisions till I think that its important to shield them against complaints. It isn't simply that you may not be of accord on the items and conditions that current themselves before youâ€these may recal various articles, and lead to affiliations excessively sensitive and refined to be perhaps conveyed to other people. However these I love to appreciate, some of the time still affectionately grip them, when I can escape from the crowd to do as such. To offer path to our sentiments before organization, appears excess or gesture; and then again, to need to disentangle this riddle of our being every step of the way, and to make others take an equivalent enthusiasm for it (in any case the end isn't replied) is an assignment to which not many are able. We should give it a seeing, however no tongue. My old companion Câ€â€, be that as it may, could do both. He could go on in the most superb logical path over slope and dale, a summers day, and convert a scene into an instructive sonnet or a Pindaric tribute. He talked far above singing. In the event that I could so dress my thoughts in sounding and streaming words, I may maybe wish to have somebody with me to respect the growing subject; or I could be increasingly content, were it feasible for me still to hear his reverberating voice in the forested areas of All-Foxden. They had that fine franticness in them which our first artists had; and on the off chance that they could have been gotten by some uncommon instrument, would have inhaled such strains as the accompanying. â€â€Here be woods as green As any, air in like manner as new and sweet As when smooth Zephyrus plays on the armada Face of the twisted stream, with flowrs the same number of As the youthful spring gives, and as decision as any; Here be all new joys, cool streams and wells, Arbors oergrown with woodbine, caverns and dells; Pick where thou shrivel, while I sit by and sing, Or on the other hand accumulate races to make numerous a ring For thy long fingers; tell thee stories of adoration, How the pale Phoebe, chasing in a forest, First observed the kid Endymion, from whose eyes She took unceasing fire that never passes on; How she conveyd him delicately in a rest, His sanctuaries bound with poppy, to the precarious Head of old Latmos, where she stoops every night, Overlaying the mountain with her siblings light, To kiss her sweetest.â€â€ Reliable Shepherdess. Had I words and pictures at order like these, I would endeavor to wake the contemplations that falsehood sleeping on brilliant edges at night mists: yet at seeing nature my extravagant, poor for what it's worth, hangs and quits for the day leaves, similar to blossoms at dusk. I can make nothing out on the spot:â€I must have the opportunity to gather myself.†all in all, something to be thankful for ruins out-of-entryway possibilities: it ought to be saved for Table-talk. Lâ€â€ is thus, I take it, the most exceedingly terrible organization on the planet out of entryways; since he is the best inside. I award, there is one subject on which it is charming to chat on an excursion; and that is, the thing that one will have for dinner when we get to our motel around evening time. The outdoors improves this kind of discussion or inviting squabble, by setting a quicker edge on craving. Each mile of the street elevates the kind of the viands we expect toward its finish. That it is so fine to enter some old town, walled and turreted exactly at the methodology of sunset, or to go to some straying town, with the lights gushing through the encompassing despair; and afterward in the wake of inquisitive for the best amusement that the spot bears, to take ones straightforwardness at ones hotel! These astounding crossroads in our lives history are excessively valuable, excessively loaded with strong, genuine joy to be misused and spilled in blemished compassion. I would have them all to myself, and channel them to the last drop: they will do to discuss or to expound on a short time later. What a fragile hypothesis it is, in the wake of drinking entire flagons of tea, The cups thatâ cheer, however not intoxicate, also, letting the exhaust rise into the mind, to sit thinking about what we will have for supperâ€eggs and a rasher, a bunny covered in onions, or an incredible veal-cutlet! Sancho in such a circumstance once fixed upon dairy animals heel; and his decision, however he was unable to support it, isn't to be criticized. At that point in the interims of imagined view and Shandean examination, to get the readiness and the mix in the kitchenâ€Procul, O procul este profani! These hours are holy to quietness and to pondering, to be prized up in the memory, and to take care of the wellspring of grinning contemplations from this point forward. I would not squander them out of gear talk
Friday, July 24, 2020
Do You Like Like
Do You Like “Like†Almost a year ago I wrote Going Social about adding the Share button to blogs so that they could be easily shared via Facebook. As I said then, So starting today, youll see a Share on Facebook link at the bottom of every blog entry. By clicking this link, you may choose to publish the article to the News Feed of your five thousand closest Friends on Facebook. Everybody wins. Your Friends will see cool content they may have never stumbled across otherwise. You get to be the dude or dudette who provides the hook-up. And we get to spread our message to people who might otherwise never have seen it. I hope all of you found this useful. It certainly was used quite a bit! We had lots of referrals from the Share links, and I think, as I said before, that everyone won. But that was the beforetimes, and some things have changed. Facebook has moved away from the Share model and to the ubiquitous Like model you know, the one that is now on every site across the Internet. Its no secret that I dont like Like. And thats because I think that it is misleading. When Facebook underwent a substantial redesign a few months ago, they changed it so that, by default, things you like were displayed publicly on your profile. And that probably isnt what most users wanted. Most users wanted to share things with their Friends like a status update, not the whole world. So weve stuck with the Share button, because suited our purposes, wasnt creepy, and worked just fine. However, weve run into a problem, and that is that Facebook broke the Share button. If you look at the bottom of the page, where you once saw this: you now see: At first, I thought I just needed to update the code. But then I went to the Facebook Share Wizard, and lo, it looks like this: so its broken there too. Finally, on the Facebook Share Developers Wiki, a big blaring red banner across the top reads Note: To share pages from your website, you should consider using the Open Graph protocol and the Like button instead of Share, since its a simpler and easier to implement solution./font color. Ive emailed Facebook Support and havent heard back; I can only assume that Facebook Share is deprecated, and that it will not be fixed because Facebook Like is the Glorious New Future. So what Im asking all of you is: do you like Facebook Like? Perhaps more precisely would you be comfortable with something that looked like this: at the bottom of every page? One thing we would do is not include the faces/profile pictures of friends. That means that if friends of yours visit our website, they would not see your profile picture. However, they may see your name, if you have Liked the page. Furthermore, as Facebook says, this means when a user clicks a Like button on your page, a connection is made between your page and the user. Your page will appear in the Likes and Interests section of the users profile. As I said, if I had my druthers I would just use the Share button. But we seem to be in a bit of a bind, as Facebook breaks their services to push users and institutions towards preferred practices. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Are you OK with the Like button? Would you like to be able to easily share content from our site with your Facebook friends? Do you dislike the sort of connection that will be formed between our site and your Facebook presence, or is it A-OK? In any case, I would recommend that everyone take the time to check their Facebook privacy settings. In addition to the Facebook Privacy Dashboard, I would absolutely run the Facebook Privacy Scanner, Ka-Ping Yees Zesty Privacy Tool, and Facebooks own ViewAs Functionality; ensure that your Friends arent revealing more information about you than youd like; and generally take a few minutes out of your day to police your presence online. The Internet and Facebook are wonderful tools, but its all too easy to slip up when it comes to managing your privacy and reputation, especially in the case of the latter, the environment and design of which often confounds the privacy practices of the most sensible and sensitive individuals. So check yourself out, and then let me know what youd like us to do about social sharing.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Definition and Examples of Rhotic and Non-Rhotic Speech
In phonology and sociolinguistics, the term rhoticity refers broadly to the sounds of the r family. More specifically, linguists commonly make distinctions between rhotic and non-rhotic dialects or accents. Simply put, rhotic speakers pronounce the /r/ in words like large and park, while non-rhotic speakers generally dont pronounce the /r/ in these words. Non-rhotic is also known as r-dropping. Linguist William Barras notes that levels of rhoticity can vary between speakers in a community, and the process of a loss of rhoticity is a gradual one, rather than the sharp binary distinction implied by the labels rhotic and non-rhotic (Lancashire in Researching Northern English, 2015). EtymologyFrom the Greek letter rho (the letter r) Examples and Observations [C]onsider dialects that drop r such as varieties of English spoken in the United Kingdom, the southern United States, and New England. Speakers of these r-Iess dialects dont drop r just anywhere, they do so only under certain phonological conditions. For example, speakers drop r in a word when it follows a vowel, and would therefore not pronounce the r in the following words: heart, farm, car But they would pronounce r in these words, because r does not follow a vowel: red, brick, scratch The r-rule in words is even more complex; though you may be familiar with the phrase pahk the cah in Hahvad Yahd, a stock phrase used to imitate this dialectical feature, real speakers of such varieties of English in fact retain a final r when the following word begins with a vowel. Speakers say pahk the car in Hahvad Yahd. (A similar rules accounts for so-called r-intrusion, where some speakers add r to words that end in vowels before another word that begins with a vowel, as in . . . That idear is a good one.)(Anne Lobeck and Kristin Denham, Navigating English Grammar: A Guide to Analyzing Real Language. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013) Varieties of English: Rhotic and Non-Rhotic Accents [Rhotic accents are] accents of English in which non-prevocalic /r/ is pronounced, i.e. in which words like star have retained the original pronunciation /star/ starr rather than having the newer pronunciation /sta:/ stah, where the /r/ has been lost. Rhotic accents of English include nearly all accents of Scottish and Irish English, most accents of Canadian and American English, accents from the south-west and north-west of England, some varieties of Caribbean English and a small number of New Zealand accents. Non-rhotic accents are those of Australia, South Africa, eastern and central England, some parts of the Caribbean, and a number of places on the eastern seaboard of the United States and Canada, as well as African American Vernacular English. (Peter Trudgill, A Glossary of Sociolinguistics. Oxford University Press, 2003) Rhoticity in British English While the dropping of r had spread [from London and East Anglia] to most other accents of England by the eighteenth century, rhoticity remains a feature of accents spoken in the geographically more extreme areas of England today: the southwest, northwest, and northeast. This distribution suggests that the loss of this feature has been spreading outwards from the eastern dialects since the fifteenth century, but has not yet affected these few remaining strongholds. From this development, we might predict that postvocalic r will at some stage be entirely lost from accents of English, though it is impossible to determine exactly when this process will reach completion.(Simon Horobin, How English Became English: A Short History of a Global Language. Oxford University Press, 2016) A Change From Below Throughout most of the nineteenth century, non-rhotic pronunciations continued to be condemned, but by the time Daniel Joness pronouncing dictionary was published in 1917, non-rhotic pronunciations had become characteristic of RP. The spread of non-rhotic pronunciation can thus be seen as a change from below, beginning in nonstandard London English and spreading geographically northwards and socially upwards until, in the early twenty-first century, it is the rhotic pronunciations that are marked as nonstandard in England. Even within rhotic areas there is evidence that younger people are less likely to pronounce /r/ in words such as arm. In other words, rhoticity is a recessive feature in England.(Joan C. Beal, Introduction to Regional Englishes: Dialect Variation in England. Edinburgh University Press, 2010) Rhoticity in New York City Sociolinguistically, there is more social stratification on the British model in the accents of New York City than anywhere else in North America, with upper social class accents having many fewer local features than lower-class accents. . . . New York City English, like that of Boston, is non-rhotic, and linking and intrusive /r/ are usual. As a consequence, the local accent shares with RP and the other non-rhotic accents the vowels /IÉ™/, /ɛə/, /ÊŠÉ™/, /ÉÅ"/ as in peer, pair, poor, bird. However, as in the Boston area, younger speakers are now becoming increasingly rhotic, especially among higher social class groups. (Peter Trudgill and Jean Hannah, International English: A Guide to the Varieties of Standard English, 5th ed. Routledge, 2013)The distribution of /r/ is one of the most widely researched sociolinguistic features. [William] Labov (1966/2006), in a groundbreaking study, reports on the social stratification of rhoticity in New York City. His general results are that the absence of [r] in coda position is generally associated with lower social prestige and informal registers. Labov argues that rhoticity is a marker of New York City speech, since it shows style-shifting and hypercorrection. This would not be the case if New Yorkers were not aware of this difference, even unconsciously. The marker status of rhoticity is further supported by [Kara] Becker (2009), a study conducted on rhoticity in the Lower East Side forty years later. As she notes, There is much evidence that both New Yorkers and non-New Yorkers alike do identify non-rhoticity as a salient feature of NYCE [New York City English], one that (in combination with other NYCE features or even alone) can index a New York persona (Becker 2009: p644).(Pà ©ter Rà ¡cz, Salience in Sociolinguistics: A Quantitative Approach. Walter de Gruyter, 2013)In terms of phonology, many AAE speakers in New York City and many parts of the country t end to omit /r/ when it follows a vowel. This pattern, known as post-vocalic /r/-lessness or â€Å"non-rhoticity,†leading to the pronunciation of park as pahk and car as cah. It is not unique to AAE and is found in the wider New York City vernacular among older and working-class white speakers, but not very commonly among young, upper middle class Whites. (Cecelia Cutler, White Hip Hoppers, Language and Identity in Post-Modern America. Routledge, 2014) Intrusive /r/ Intrusive /r/, heard in expressions like the idear of it and the lawr of the sea, arises by analogy with words like father, which quite regularly have a final /r/ before a vowel, but not before a consonant or a pause. For a long time, intrusive /r/ has been normal in educated speech after /Ç /, so that the idear of it and Ghanar and India are perfectly acceptable. Until relatively recently, however, intrusive /r/ has been stigmatized when it occurred after other vowels, so that the Shahr of Persia and the lawr of the sea were considered vulgar. This now seems to have changed, however, and intrusive /r/ is widespread in educated speech after any vowel. Sometimes the intrusive /r/ goes on to attach itself permanently to the stem of the word, leading to such forms as drawring board and withdrawral. These are quite common, but probably not yet accepted as standard. (Charles Barber, Joan C. Beal, and Philip A. Shaw, The English Language: A Historical Introduction, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2012) The Lighter Side of R Dropping R-dropping America has inspired a humorous theorem called the Law of Conservation of Rs (formulated by Edward Scher in 1985), which holds that an r missing from one word will turn up in excess in another: fawth (fourth), for example, is balanced by idears or the common second r in sherbert. (Robert Hendrickson, The Facts on File Dictionary of American Regionalisms. Facts on File, 2000)
Thursday, May 7, 2020
I Am Me Or Not Be - 951 Words
To Be Me Or Not Be Liandra Rowe Keiser University Dr. Collins In my twenty-six years of living doing many personality tests have always given different results depending on where my life was at in the moment. Now at 26 in college doing a personality test using The Items in the 16 Preliminary IPIP Scales Measuring Constructs Similar to Those in Cattell s 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)(N/D). Retrieved from: has given me more of a glimpse of my personality traits. Many people have forms of categorized traits that express whom that person is or can be. For example there are two types trait approaches ( there way more trait approaches but this can be a†¦show more content†¦Not believing that I know all the answers and miss know it all, no not me, but having some form of control over some parts of my life helps me relax. Obviously, warmth means how nice to people one can be, generally I come off generally nice and warm to others even if someone made upset who is a stranger. My work relates to all of my ability as a people person, which I enjoy. Being able to reason with others, hearing others point of view, can help my personal thought on a situation or idea. Perfectionism is my personality, taking pride in my work at school or place of employment. Feeling joy that others can see that my work is done and done correctly, maybe not 100% of the time because I am not a perfect human being but at least 80-90% of the time. Some of mid-high scores would be a score of 2.5. Those traits include, emotional stability, rule-consciousness, sensitivity, and self-reliance. Struggling with these four traits for a long time, especially the emotional stability and sensitivity, due to trauma as an adolescent. The emotions that run through my mind are constant, at times my feelings are up when happy or life is going farley well, then in a instant those same feelings can be sadden, down on myself and feel like a failure that everything I do is never good enough. Possibly it is a chemical imbalance that the trauma from a child has not ever been healed properly so it is hard toShow MoreRelatedWho Am I Am Me? Essay2291 Words  | 10 PagesWho am I? I am Leticia Martinez, a 21 years old, mother of two beautiful children with an amazing husband and currently working on increasing my culture capital by pursuing a college degree. I am a strong independent woman who is full of life and not afraid to take any challenge lif e brings. I am a woman who never allows anything or anyone bring me down. But before I was able to discover the person I am today. I had three agents of socialization build me. These agents consisted of my stepfather,Read MoreI Am Not You, You Are Not Me1131 Words  | 5 PagesI am not you, you are not me; emotions are what make us unique, but what we do with those emotions is what affects us beyond our own being. Thinking about high school just over a year ago gave me shivers down my spine; I didn’t know what I was in for. 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I immediately began to recognize who I am is a mixture of many things and from each I have built myRead MoreThe Things That Make Me Who I Am Essay1393 Words  | 6 PagesMake Me Who I am Everyone goes through life and has a number of things that they feel are important to them and their lives. Within all of those things there are one or two things that are at the top of that list; the things that are thought to be the most important to their lives. The same is for me, I have an entire list of things that I feel are important but there are two things that make my life how it is today. These two things for me are my family and the choices I have made that I believeRead MoreWhat Makes Me Who I Am2510 Words  | 11 PagesIntroduction Part of what makes me who I am is the values I uphold. They motivate my every action and underlie my every thought. Values are what make us human and define our philosophies. As I receive my education in nursing, the more I realize how impactful nursing philosophy is. It affects all of my thoughts, actions, and reasons why I do the things I do. Though every nurse is unique and has their own theory of what it means to be a nurse, they all follow a set of values, are influenced by previous
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leadership Is “Having an Irrational Sense of Hope†Free Essays
string(78) " keep a journal to note their reflections and thoughts throughout the course\." NANYANG BUSINESS SCHOOL MBA 2012-2013 TRIMESTER 1 B6018 LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Course Coordinator/Instructor: Assoc. Prof Lim Beng Chong Office: S3-B2B-63 / E-mail : bclim@ntu. edu. We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership Is â€Å"Having an Irrational Sense of Hope†or any similar topic only for you Order Now sg Class Schedule: Wed evenings 6:15pm – 9:30 pm (or Saturday mornings 9:00 am -12:00 noon for extra/postponed sessions) Class Venue: NTU @ one-north SR 502 COURSE DESCRIPTION A leader is a man (woman) who has the ability to get people to do what they don’t want to do, and like it – Harry S. Truman (1954) Few organization and management issues have attracted as much interest and research work as leadership. From politics to the business world to military institutions, people are always searching for that someone, whom they called LEADER, to lead and inspire the people to achieve success or to bring about change. So what is leadership? There are many definitions of leadership in organizations. Almost every author of books has one. Bass (1990), after reviewing the literature, suggests that there are at least 12 different approaches to the definition. What is your definition of leadership? What type of leader are you? How can you be a better leader to your work team or organization? I hope you will begin to think about these questions as you embark on your leadership journey with me in this course. Essentially, effective leaders are those who can mobilize others to get extraordinary or exceptional things done in their work teams or organizations. In today’s organizations, managers are not only responsible for the planning, organizing and controlling functions in their work teams or organizations; they have to accomplish these goals by leading their people. Hence, their success as managers is dependent on their ability to motivate and inspire others. In other words, being leaders of their people. From this perspective, success and failure as managers rest squarely on the ability of the managers to understand and manage people at work. Therefore, critical to leadership success is a good knowledge of managing people in organizations or a good grounding in the fundamentals of work behaviour in organizations. Given the above, this course will bring together the leadership literature and the insights on human nature at work from Organization Behaviour. The learning objectives are: †¢ Increase participants’ understanding of people at work as well as of organizations as complex systems by examining organizational behaviour at 3 levels: the individual (self and others), the work team and the larger organizational context. †¢ Increase participants’ understanding of leadership processes and how these are intertwined with an understanding of organizational behaviour. Develop participants’ repertoire of leadership capabilities through greater self-awareness a deeper understanding of the impact of their actions on others – and building leadership habits to better equip them to lead and take effective actions in today’s organizations. Leadership Develops Daily, not in a Day – John Maxwell 1 COURSE OUTLINE â€Å"The Law of Intentionality – Growth doesn’t just happen†Life is now in session. Are you present? – Maxwell (2012) The appendix provides a summary of the topics that would be covered for each session. The approach to all sessions will be grounded on participation-centered learning and the course design includes a range of participation-centered activities such as case studies, group exercises and assignments, peer conversations, debates, self-reflection activities and talks by invited guest speakers. [See attached Course Outline table] READINGS PRE-CLASS PREPARATION The study of leadership and work behaviour, given its multidisciplinary nature, entails a fair amount of reading in preparation for the classes. Pre-class readings are essential and participants are expected to prepare the case studies or exercises prior to discussion in class. Two books have been prescribed and each covers different topics and levels of analysis. The relevant chapters for reading from each textbook and additional readings will be given in the detailed course outline. RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS IVANCEVICH, J. M. , KONOPASKE, R. and MATTESON, M. T. (2011). Organizational Behavior and Management 9th edition. McGraw – Hill Internation. New York. ULRICH, D. (2010). Leadership in Asia. McGraw-Hill – OPTIONAL REFERENCES – JOHN MAXWELL (2007). The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership. Thomas Nelson – DANIEL LEVI (2007). Group Dynamics for Teams. 2nd edition. Sage Publication – ROB GOFFEE and GARETH JONES (2006). Why should anyone be led by you? Harvard Business Press PARTICIPATION ASSESSMENT Class Participation/Sharing. The course is designed to provide ample opportunities for participants to contribute to the class learning by participating actively in the various class activities and by offering proactively their own experiences and insights for the benefits of other participants. This will constitute an important component of participants’ continuous assessment (10% of the total marks). â€Å"The law of Contribution – growing yourself enables you to grow others†– Maxwell (2012). Class Quizzes. Weekly seminars may commence with a short quiz to assess participants’ basic understanding of the concepts and key terms in the prescribed readings for that week. The purpose is to help participants develop a habit of continuous learning- a critical leadership habit. Hopefully, by the end of the course, participants will have built up a repository of knowledge on leadership and organizational behavior. Again, this will constitute another component of the participants’ Leadership Develops Daily, not in a Day – John Maxwell 2 continuous assessment (10% of the total marks). â€Å"the law of Consistency: motivation gets you going – Discipline keeps you growing. †Self Case Study (real life leadership/OB challenge). John McDonnell once said, â€Å"Every problem introduces a person to himself†. As a leader/manager, you are likely to encounter different types of work situations – both positive and negative. As leaders, we can make the mistake but not lose the lesson. Hence there is much to be learned from one’s experiences especially from less positive ones. The objective of this individual assignment is to provide an opportunity for participants to learn from their experience at work or working with others by overlaying the concepts and theories covered during the course on the real life challenges. (10% of the total marks). The law of Pain: good management of bad experiences leads to great growth. †Reflection PaperLeadership Journaling. As we embark on this learning journey together, I strongly encourage course participants keep a journal to note their reflections and thoughts throughout the course. You read "Leadership Is â€Å"Having an Irrational Sense of Hope†" in category "Papers" These reflections and thoughts on leadership and organizatio nal behaviour can form the basis for the reflection paper (less than 1000 words) to be submitted at the end of the course (10% of the total marks). â€Å"The law of Reflection: learning to pause allows growth to catch up with you. Up to 4 x Mini-Group Assignments. Working in teams is part and parcel of organizational life. As leaders, we are expected to lead a team of diverse individuals to achieve a common goal. Many times, we are also members of other teams. Hence being able to lead and willing to be led is an integral part of being a manager. These mini-team assignments are designed to allow participants to work together to achieve a common goal. Hopefully, they can apply the science of leadership and OB in the process and hone their leadership skills (20% of the total marks). The law of influence: the true measure of leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less. †Final Examination. The examination will be an open-book exam of two and a half hours. Summary of Course Assessment and Requirements: B6018 Max pts Class Participation / Sharing 100 Class Quizzes 100 Self Case Study (real life leadership/OB challenge) 100 Reflection paper/leadership journaling 100 Up to 4 x Mini-Group Assignments 100 Final examination (open-book) 100 Total 600 ? subject to changes by the instructor during the course % Final score 10 10 10 10 20 40 100 Leadership Develops Daily, not in a Day – John Maxwell 3 ASSESSMENT PLAN Learning Goal Course Learning Objectives Assessment Method -class Quizzes -Self Case Study -Reflection Paper – min-group assignments -Open-book examination -Self Case Study -Reflection Paper – mini-group assignments -Open-book examination -Peer assessments of the skills demonstrated during Mini-group assignments Acquiring Applying Knowledge To gain an understanding of various concepts of leadership and organisational behaviour, such that students can use the â€Å"most useful†concepts for their professional lives. Assessment Rubrics* Written Assignment Rubric Critical/Creative Thinking To show critical/creative thinking in the evaluation of written ideas and case examples about leadership/OB. Written Assignment Rubric Teamwork and interpersonal skills To improve students’ skills for working with others. Peer Assessment Rubric Leadership Develops Daily, not in a Day – John Maxwell 4 Written Assignment Rubric Criteria Acquiring knowledge and Critical Thinking Description This refers to the breadth and depth of understanding and analysis of the subject/content. Quality of answer assessed by well-considered and supported assertions, arguments, explanations, logic and inferences drawn from accurate interpretation and appropriate use/citation of literature. Range Poor Answer and/or literature cited do not address the question well. Answer is descriptive rather than analytical. Arguments are implicit rather than explicit. Logic and inferences are not clear. Average Answer and/or literature cited generally address the question. There is analysis and arguments but they are weak and broad. Arguments and logic are piece-meal and not integrated. Some issues are discussed adequately and others, less adequately. Minimum description of appropriate application of knowledge, experience and insights. Good Answer addresses the question directly. Literature is appropriately cited to support assertions and arguments. Writing is generally logical and integrated. Nonetheless, answer falls short of the highest standard in some ways, e. g. possible lines of assertion or argument may be missed or neglected. Well argued application of knowledge with clear and logical linkage to personal experience. Relevant insights and new ideas that have considered the practical constraints. Nonetheless, answer falls short of the highest standard in some ways, e. g. , lapses in one or more arguments, inadequate description. Excellent Answer addresses the question directly with breadth and depth. Literature is appropriately cited to support assertions and arguments. Writing is relevant, logical, and well integrated. Mark Awarded Application of knowledge and Creative thinking This refers to the appropriate application of knowledge and linkages to personal insights and experience. Creative insights and ideas are welcome when they are relevant and anchored to realistic/practical challenges. Inappropriate application of knowledge. Inadequate description of experience and insights. Little or no insights. Irrelevant or impractical ideas. Very well argued application of knowledge and boundaries, with clear and logical linkage to personal experience. Relevant insights and new ideas that have considered the practical constraints. Leadership Develops Daily, not in a Day – John Maxwell 5 Quality of Writing – clarity of expression Quality of Writing – Organization and Formatting This refers to how effectively arguments, ideas and thoughts put forth in the essay are communicated and comprises word usage, sentence usage, paragraphing and fluency of expression. This refers to the overall organization, integration and flow of the essay. Format following the submission guidelines and proper use of footnotes/endnotes; references and bibliography. Has difficulties expressing ideas. Expresses ideas fairly clearly and coherently. Expresses ideas fluently and eloquently. Expresses ideas very fluently and eloquently. Has some limitations organising the ideas and following submission guidelines. Satisfactorily organized. Integration and flow can be better. Some lapses in following submission guidelines. Well organized, integrated and flowing. Format follows guidelines almost completely. Very well organized, integrated and flowing. Format follows guidelines completely. Leadership Develops Daily, not in a Day – John Maxwell 6 Teamwork Interpersonal Skills Rubric (For Peer Rating) Learning Objective: The ability to work effectively with others in a group setting. Your ratings will not be revealed to your team members. Group Name: _______________________________________________ Name of Rater: ______________________________________________ Fill in your members’ names below and Rate on a scale of â€Å"1†to â€Å"6†for each trait Name1 Name2 Name3 Name4 Traits Roles and Responsibility Behaves professionally by upholding responsibility and assuming accountability for self and others in progressing towards the team’s goal. Communication Identifies appropriate mechanisms to coordinate and correspond with team members. Performance Scant Unclear about his/her own role; refuses to take a role in the group; insists to work individually and has limited coordination or communication with others. Evaluation: Scant 1 2 3 4 5 Scant Modes of communication are not appropriate, causing confusion and miscommunication among team members. Evaluation: Scant 1 2 3 4 Scant Does not recognize conflicts or is unwilling to resolve conflicts. Evaluation: Scant 1 Substantially Developed Always fulfills responsibilities; performs his/her role within the group with enthusiasm and demonstrates willingness to work collaboratively. Name5 6 Substantially Developed Substantially Developed Modes of communication are appropriate, and maintains timely communication and correspondence with team members. 5 6 Substantially Developed Substantially Developed Consistently resolves conflicts through facilitating open discussion and compromise. Conflict Resolution Resolves conflicts using a variety of approaches. Contributions Contributes positive input for the team; effectively utilizes one’s knowledge and expertise. 2 3 4 5 6 Substantially Developed Substantially Developed Actively attends and participates in all activities and provides meaningful contribution in articulating ideas and opinions. Scant Largely disinterested in working in a group and refuses to participate; observes passively or is unwilling to share information with other team members. Evaluation: Scant 1 2 3 4 Scant Rarely listens to others and does not acknowledge the opinions that differ from his/her own. 6 Substantially Developed Substantially Developed Engages in respectful relationships with all other members in the team. Embraces and accepts diverse points of view without prejudice. Relationship Maintains cooperative interaction with other team members regardless of individual /cultural differences and respects diverse perspectives. Evaluatio n: Scant 1 2 3 4 5 6 Substantially Developed Leadership Develops Daily, not in a Day – John Maxwell 7 Self Case Study The law of Pain: Good management of bad experiences leads to great growth. †– Maxwell (2012) The objective of this individual assignment is to provide an opportunity for participants to learn from their experience at work or working with others by overlaying the concepts and theories covered during the course on the real life challenges. There are two parts to this individual assignment. a. Part 1. To be handed in on Week 3 of the course. The participants will describe some of the challenges/issues/problems about people’s behaviors they encountered at work or when working with people. As a guide, try to limit to not more than 3 challenges. Part 1 should not be more than 1500 words. Try to identify for yourself what you want to learn from this course which will be useful in helping you understand and deal with people you work with in an effective manner. While the list of questions below may not exhaustive, I hope it will help you identify some of the potential issues/problems/challenges you may want to consider: o Think about a conflict which has arisen with one of your co-workers o Do you or your company have any major problems in motivating your or its work force? o How effective is your work group? o Describe your relationship with your boss – do you find it satisfying/dissatisfying? Are there problems in the way in which people use power and influence in your company? o How is change brought about in your company? b. Part 2. The complete assignment is to be handed in during Week 10. In total, this should be no more than 4000 words. The assignment should have the following sections a. Part 1 i. Title of the case ii. Description of the case (from week 3) iii. Why it happened the way it did? iv. What was done about it? b. Part 2 i. Your own analysis of the situation ii. What theories, concepts and frameworks covered in LOB course that may be useful here? iii. Based on your analysis and the theories, concepts and frameworks highlighted, how should the case be resolved? iv. What is your biggest takeaway from this case as a leader? Leadership Develops Daily, not in a Day – John Maxwell 8 OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Late Submission of Assignments Penalties will be imposed for late submissions that are not supported with valid reasons. A penalty of 10 marks will be imposed for each day that the assignment is submitted late. For example, a mark of 65% would become 55% if the assignment is submitted a day late and 45% if it is two days late. In order to ensure equity, students are reminded to stay within the word limit set for each assignment. Academic Integrity Truth, Trust and Justice are at the core of NTU’s shared values. Good academic work includes to a very large extent, honesty and ethical behaviour. The quality of your work as a student is therefore subjected to adhering to principles of academic integrity and to the NTU Honor Code, a set of values shared by everyone in NTU. The content of assignments submitted for grading purposes must be that of your own. You should therefore be diligent in identifying and acknowledging the sources of information used in completing your work (full details must be provided in your reference section). If you feel that the use of the exact wordings from a reference source is the best way to present the ideas, then you must use quotation marks and acknowledge the source. If you choose to summarise the words from a reference, the source must also be acknowledged, as this is not an original piece of work from you. Submitted work must be your own effort and must not duplicate (in whole or in part) the work of others (including other students). As a student, the responsibility falls on you to be familiar with and to apply the principles of academic integrity in all the work you do at NTU. Hence you will need to proactively familiarise yourself with the strategies to avoid all forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, academic fraud, collusion, cheating, etc. Detailed information can be obtained via the academic integrity website at http://academicintegrity. ntu. edu. sg. Pleading ignorance or claiming that one is unaware of the requirements for maintaining academic integrity does not excuse academic dishonesty. As members of the NTU family, this is a responsibility that students and faculty staff alike must uphold at all times. Use of edveNTUre (Blackboard) The edveNTUre system (Blackboard) will be used to facilitate the posting of assignments, course materials and announcements, as well as for interacting with your coursemates and myself. Do ensure that your personal particulars especially your hand-phone number (if you have one) is updated in edveNTUre. This will allow you to receive urgent messages e. g. change in timing for lessons, via SMS from me. Leadership Develops Daily, not in a Day – John Maxwell 9 Overview of Class Schedule Date Mar 13 Mar 20 Mar 27 Mar 3 April 10 April 17 April 24 April 2 May 8 May 15 May 22 May Topic Overview of Organizational Behaviour and Leadership Process Know Yourself: You as a leader (I) Know Yourself: You as a leader (II) Understanding Others: Your Followers (I) Understanding Others: Your Followers (II) Dialogue with A Group Executive Chairman Ov erview of Team Effectiveness Leadership in Teams Overview of Organizational Effectiveness Leadership in Organizations Conversation with a Leadership Coach Conclusion: Leadership in An Age of Uncertainty Leadership Develops Daily, not in a Day – John Maxwell 10 How to cite Leadership Is â€Å"Having an Irrational Sense of Hope†, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Stone Butch Blues (1993)
Stone Butch Blues is a novel authored by Leslie Feinberg that presents the day-to-day struggles of a transgendered individual by bringing to light the practices through which sexual and gendered identities are culturally generated and imposed in an orderly manner.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Stone Butch Blues (1993) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More At first glance, the novel appears to be a fictitious narrative about a lesbian by the name of Jess Goldberg but on a closer look, a reader realizes that the book explores the lives of average working-class transgendered gays within the Northeast urban areas and showcases the conflicts and struggles they face in the society. The author utilizes narrative friction to portray the interrelationship of constraints associated with gender and class structures. Stone Butch Blues may not be the first novel to explore the issues affecting transgender individuals but it is a mong the first to put an identity to transgendered individuals. Feinberg addresses the subject of female-to-male (FTM) transgendered by clarifying that FTM is a complex identity which should be recognized just as the male and female identities are. Feinberg argues in this novel that any individual whose expression of gender does not fall under the male or female gender is drifting towards the opposite gender expression. In the novel, Jess is faced with a lot of challenges which she thinks are connected to her gender status and as such, she decides to take a few steps towards defining her gender including undergoing a breast-reduction surgery and putting herself on male hormones. Ironically, instead of living an open life free of lies and deceit, the sex change further pushes her adrift from the kind of life she desires. Jess had hoped that the sex change would allow her more breathing space living as a transgendered individual but she gets the opposite from the society. In presentin g the life of Jess, Feinberg illustrates that gender issues and sexual identity entail social constructs which characterize the numerous humiliating and vicious punishments that transgendered individuals, including Jess, are put through for not confirming to the expectations of the society. It seems as though Feinberg is blaming the society for not accepting transgendered individuals for who they by subjecting them to unfair treatments on the grounds of their sexuality. Jess is also shown as identifying with her male colleagues at the factories and warehouses where she works instead of the middle-class feminists. She also befriends oppressed individuals in the society who include African Americans and drag queens. From the people Jess seems to be befriending, it seems as though she is attempting to foster an amicable coexistence. From this, it is apparent that the author is questioning the revolutionary class consciousness-racism-sexism relationship in the society.Advertising L ooking for essay on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Feinberg’s work of fiction examines the issue of gender identity from a different perspective by stating that when an individual is not comfortable with his or her assigned gender identity, it is not the cultural institutions that assign the gender identities that are on the wrong, but on the contrary, it is the individual. Thought the novel, the author presents situations in which Jess views her identity as not only being fixed, but also essential for her existence. Interestingly, the author shows Jess as engaging in relationships and acts that go against this identity. This is the author’s way of stating that transgendered individuals who are uncomfortable with their sexual identity have something wrong with them. In conclusion, this article has explored only a few of the unfair treatments that transgendered individuals are subjected to. From this n ovel, it can be concluded that the author does not agree with the way the society treats transgendered individuals and wished the society would accept their sexuality. The author also criticizes the transgendered individuals for attempting to change their identity. This essay on Stone Butch Blues (1993) was written and submitted by user Raina Buckner to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Gothic Architecture in Chartres Cathederal essays
Gothic Architecture in Chartres Cathederal essays In the early 1100s, the French Arch Bishop thought it was time for a new place to worship god. The architects of the time figured out that if you use a new type of arch-like structures on the outsides of the walls calles flying buttresses then you can cut the thickness of the walls into the fraction of the size that it would need to be with the walls of Chartres Cathederal being as tall as they were. This would inturn make the walls open for more windows and were filled with colored glass that are called stained glass. This let people worship god in the light that he was meant to be worshipped in. The Gothic style was one rooted in architecture and any other forms of art were basically created to help embellish the houses of the Lord. Gothic churches were - in contrast to the Romanesque churches - very "light". The belief in divine light and the powers it contained had a great deal to do with how Gothic cathedrals were constructed. Gothic architects solved the problem of very little light coming through the windows, by conceiving of a superior form of building. How'd they do that? Well, instead of having large walls with large interior support - as in Romanesque style - the Gothic churches were made of "exoskeletons". In other words, the church itself was like a skeleton with the walls and windows hanging as skin, off of this skeleton. Also, the weight of the construction was transferred from the interior to the exterior by way of what is known as the "flying buttress" system - massive piers on the outside of the church. With heavy walls no longer needed, walls were freed up for large, light colored stained glass windows. And like God said Let there be light was able to happen in he churches. In todays society not many people know about the Gothic style of architecture. Back in the 1100s the new Gothic style of architecture was able to show many new architectural features including flying butresses,...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Brontotherium Megacerops Facts and Figures
Brontotherium Megacerops Facts and Figures Name: Brontotherium (Greek for thunder beast); pronounced bron-toe-THEE-ree-um; also known as Megacerops Habitat: Plains of North America Historical Epoch: Late Eocene-Early Oligocene (38-35 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 16 feet long and three tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; paired, blunt appendages on end of snout About Brontotherium (Megacerops) Brontotherium is one of those prehistoric megafauna mammals that has been discovered over and over again by generations of paleontologists, as a result of which it has been known by no less than four different names (the others are the equally impressive Megacerops, Brontops and Titanops). Lately, paleontologists have largely settled on Megacerops (giant horned face), but Brontotherium (thunder beast) has proven more enduring with the general public - perhaps because it evokes a creature that has experienced its own share of naming issues, Brontosaurus. The North American Brontotherium (or whatever you choose to call it) was very similar to its close contemporary, Embolotherium, albeit slightly bigger and sporting a different head display, which was larger in males than in females. Befitting its similarity to the dinosaurs that preceded it by tens of millions of years (most notably the hadrosaurs, or duck-billed dinosaurs), Brontotherium had an unusually small brain for its size. Technically, it was a perissodactyl (odd-toed ungulate), which places it in the same general family as prehistoric horses and tapirs, and theres some speculation that it may have figured on the lunch menu of the huge carnivorous mammal Andrewsarchus. One other odd-toed ungulate to which Brontotherium bears a marked resemblance is the modern rhinoceros, to which the thunder beast was only distantly ancestral. Just like rhinos, though, Brontotherium males battled each other for the right to mate - one fossil specimen bears direct evidence of a healed rib injury, which could only have been inflicted by the twin nasal horns of another Brontotherium male. Sadly, along with its fellow brontotheres, Brontotherium went extinct around the middle of the Cenozoic Era, 35 million years ago - possibly because of climate change and the dwindling of its accustomed food sources.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Healthcare Heat Lamps Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Healthcare Heat Lamps - Essay Example To be noted, these processes are often followed through the implementations of standard costing methods (Berger, 2011). However, standard costing possesses both negatives and positives in offering better control to the management when applying cost management strategies. The same will be discussed in this report, taking the example of Healthcare Heat Lamps. Starting with a generalised perspective, the term, ‘standard costing’ will be defined along with the key assumptions of these mechanisms. Standard Costing The term ‘Standard’ refers to the creation of a benchmark or yardstick. Accordingly, the word ‘Standard Costing’ has been defined by the Institute of Cost and Management Accountant of London as a predetermined cost which is taken into concern when producing or performing other operations to distribute each product and/or service to the customers under normal economic conditions. The cost variables considered in standard costing procedures m ight be based on technological requirements for the materials, labour and overheads for the decided period of time as well as effective analysis of the working conditions (Dosen, 2013). In simple terms, standard costing can be described as the technique of designing the criteria of costs as well as revenues (Shaub, 2010). To be precise, standard costing is a traditional concept of accounting which aims at determining the standard of each elementary cost and thus, often acts as a procedure of comparing the predetermined costs with the actual costs. Technically, it is considered as quite beneficial in discovering the deviations that are financially well known as ‘variances’. ‘Variances’ can be defined as the predetermined rate that is generally implemented in the standard costing as well as budgetary control systems. It can be affirmed in this context that the analysis of variances is deemed to be essential to summarize the incidents as well as defining the p rocess of standard costing so as to support the cost control aims of the company (Sivakumar, 2009). The method of standard costing might be based on an assortment of key factors that have been mentioned below. Determining the suitable benchmarks for each component in terms of cost variances Establishment of information regarding actual as well as standard costs that should be executed Comparing actual costs with the standard costs to determine the variances Properly analysing the variances to find out the actual cause of differences in the costs calculated Reporting the responsible authorities for developing and implementing curative measures to mitigate the differences in the costs as deciphered through the variances (Dosen, 2013) In this context, for the better understanding of the concept of standard costing, a pictorial flow chart has been illustrated below: Source: (Kingdee, n.d.) The Key Assumptions Related to the Calculation of Standard Costs The calculation of standard costi ng is generally conducted on the basis of certain key assumptions. These key assumptions have been listed below in a brief manner for comprehensive understanding of
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Human Resource Management Roles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human Resource Management Roles - Essay Example It should be noted that the needs of the diverse workforce are often contrasting in nature and hence HRM has a major role to play in managing such diverse workforce in healthcare industry. This paper briefly analyses the role of HRM in healthcare industry. The importance of communication between employees in healthcare industry is more than that in any other industry. Since healthcare professionals are dealing with human life, any error or mistake in communication may cost valuable lives. HR managers are responsible for providing ample training to the diverse workforce for the enhancement of communication. â€Å"A properly trained and competent workforce is essential to any successful health care system†(Kabene et al., 2006). â€Å"It is essential to maintain an appropriate mix between the different types of health promoters and caregivers to ensure the systems success†(Kabene et al., 2006). HR is responsible for maintaining sound relationships between different health promoters and care givers. For example, videoconferencing techniques are widely used in healthcare sector while doctors conduct complex surgeries. This modern technique helps doctors to get expert advice from distant parts at the time of conducting surgery. HR is responsible for coordinating such things. â€Å"Better use of the spectrum of health care providers and better coordination of patient services through interdisciplinary teamwork have been recommended as part of health sector reform†(Kabene et al., 2006). HR is responsible for implementing reforms in a healthcare organization. It should be noted that the needs of patient in one locality may not be the same in another locality. HR is responsible for identifying the needs of both the patients and that of the healthcare professionals and take necessary actions to satisfy both. â€Å"A healthcare manager must be familiar with different federal and state laws
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Attitude Toward Warfare in Beowulf :: Anglo Saxon English Literature Essays
Attitude Toward Warfare in Beowulf Many historians and authors, such as Tacitus, described Anglo-Saxon England as a region dominated by warlike, belligerent tribes of Germanic descent. These people constantly fought for territories and treasures, which they possessed or wished to acquire. It was the duty of a king or a lord to acquire jewels and armor for his people and that was how he kept his kinsmen loyal to him. In the legendary epic poem, Beowulf, these traits of Anglo-Saxon culture are clearly defined. The character of Beowulf is a true representative of Anglo-Saxon culture. First, Beowulf performs his duties as a kinsman to his uncle, Hygelac, with loyalty and dedication. Further, a reader witnesses Beowulf acting as a lord to his people, acquiring land and treasures for them. Moreover, the attitude of unknown narrator of the poem reflects his support and approval of the culture described in Beowulf. The epic, Beowulf, begins with the funeral of Shield Sheafson, the originator of the Danish people. Shield Sheafson is described as a "scourge of many tribes, a wrecker of mead-benches, rampaging among foes" (lines 4-5). Obviously, this ring-giver has led an aggressive and violent life. He has terrorized his neighbors and rival tribes, destroyed their mead-halls or gathering places, and in addition, made them pay tribute. Therefore, while the king was alive, his tribe was protected from enemies, fed, clothed and enjoyed the treasures which their lord acquired for them. The author of the epic shows his approval of this culture and its attributes by saying that Shield Sheafson "was one good king" (line 10). Kinship was one of the main aspects of Anglo-Saxon England - a lord led his men in fyrd (journey or expedition) against enemies, acquired treasures for them and protected his tribe and in return for all that, his kinsmen were loyal to him and followed their lord in battles. People w ere not identified on a demographic basis, but by their belonging to a particular king or a ring-giver. Furthermore, the idea of kinship is demonstrated in other parts of the epic. When Beowulf is described preparing to fight the dragon, his last battle, Wiglaf follows Beowulf, his lord, into the fray. Wiglaf remains by Beowulf's side until the hero's death, although the rest of Beowulf's warriors disappear with the first sight of the dragon. Wiglaf demonstrates his loyalty not to his country or to his tribe, but particularly to his lord, Beowulf:
Friday, January 17, 2020
Can Aung San Suu Kyi Really Change Myanmar
Can Aung San Suu Kyi really change Myanmar? The 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi graduated from the Oxford University, B. A. in philosophy, politics and economics at St. Hugh’s College in 1967 (The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991, 2010). On the 27 May 1990, her party, the National League Democracy (NLD) won 392 out of the 492 seats (Burmese General Election, 1990, 2010). Despite her popularity with the citizens in Myanmar, the military disregards the result of that election.After two decades, the Burmese general election, 2010 will be held on the 7 November and once again the spot light is brought back to the political stage of Myanmar ever since 1990. A question that has always revolved around Aung San Suu Kyi is – can Aung San Suu Kyi really change Myanmar? From my point of view, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi may not really be able change Myanmar. She can change the current situation of Myanmar however not completely; especially in a country that has gone throug h six different political transformations in the last half-century. Firstly, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi is inexperienced and â€Å"new†to Myanmar.Although she was born in Myanmar and had received education there, during the years when Myanmar fell into military dictatorship, 1962, she was studying in a high school in Lady Shri Ram College in New Delhi, 1960 – 1964 (The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991, 2010). She had spent most of her adulthood and received education aboard. Even though she visited her mother annually and had been in Mynmar since 1988, most of the time she is kept under house arrest. One of her quote was â€Å"I saw many aspects of the country which I needed to see in order that I might know what we need to do†(Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes, 1997).Despite so, much of her time is spent serving her house arrest terms. Although she had spent much of her time reading about philosphy, politics and many more books but what she had is mere knowledge she had gained from reading in order to lead a country, experience would be a vital contribution to the people. Miss Aung San Suu Kyi had received most of her education in the western and had worked for the United Nation (UN) for two years. She wrote and did researches for biography of her father (The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991, 2010). In one of her speech she mentioned that â€Å"People have been saying I know nothing of Burmese politics.The trouble is, I know too much. †(Wallechinsky, 1997). It could be true that Aung San Suu Kyi know a lot about Myanmar however some of the decisions she made had shown her inexperience as a leader. An example that show that her inexperienced would be the issue on Myanmar tourisim. There was a report in an August 2008 in which the World Travel and Tourism Council estimated that tourism provides about 5. 8% of Myanmar’s job. All these could had been more if not of Aung San Suu Kyi who asked the travellers to â€Å"visit us later, in 1995 and in 2002 she told the BBC that the NLD stand on tourism â€Å"has not changed†(Myanmar, Should you go, 2009).A report in 2007 from Tourism Concern stated that, many Aung San Suu Kyi supports the boycott â€Å"unless we hear otherwise†from her. It is noted that, one of the British former ambassador to Myanmar, Derek Tonkin calls Aung San Suu Kyi ‘an idealist unable to compromise with the rough reality of Southeast Asian politcs’ (Myanmar, Should you go, 2009). By boycotting the tourisim, it is not the Myanmar government that suffer but the civilains that suffer. The government are not affected since they gets their income from trade of gems, timber, textiles and oil and gas.The tourism sector employs 300,000, not including grassroots business. Creating jobs and incomes for the Burmese, is the way that can really benefit the population. Secondly, despite the overwhelming supports from the citizens in Myanmar, she does not have any supporters from the military. Mya nmar has been under the military rule for 48 years. Even though the people would like to abolish the current military junta, they still need the power of the military and the police to control the stability of the country.When the country starts to reform, it may result in some instability, if Miss Aung Sun Suu Kyi does not have the support and the power to control the military, the country would be in chaos which may lead to undesirable consequences. Most of Miss Aung San Suu Kyi’s influential supporters are from the western countries but the local military junta are not in good terms with the westerners. Without the support of local power, many political goals cannot be achieved. Thirdly, most of her speeches revolve around social reform and few talks about what are their plans for the future.Right now what the people in Myanmar really need is social reforms however; soon other problems would start to surface such as economic factors, the need of jobs will eventually increa se and more. A type of publication that Miss Suu Kyi uses was whenever she is interacting with the media, she would never forget to ask other countries for support – â€Å"please use your liberty to promote ours†(Aung San Suu Kyi, 2010). Currently, she has supporters from all over the world. It is to be believed that if she were to gain presidency of the country, aids will be provided to help her built Myanmar.Yet the sanction that has been in placed on Myanmar has contributed to the sufferings of the citizens. Therefore I strongly feel that it is not way to gain attention that can help Myanmar gain democracy, if it is, it would had worked. The situation in Myanmar is not as simple as what the westerns think to why the military junta had rejected the aids for the May 2008 cyclone. One way to interpret why the military government rejected the aids would be â€Å"The Myanmar’s government †¦ fear of American invasion and the fragile pride of its top official s†(Aung San Suu Kyi, 2010).The western countries often regarded as superior, had sometimes unintentional showed disrespect to the third world countries by not understanding enough of a country’s culture. Hence disregarded the feeling of the citizen of the country they provide help with. Therefore, it is no wonder sometimes the Military junta unwelcome the aids from the westerns. For the upcoming election on the 7 November 2010, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi has decided to boycott the election. Some senior members from the NLD have formed the National Democratic Force (NDF) to contest the election†(Burmese General Election, 1990, 2010) as they claimed that a boycott would play into the hands of the government. The phenomenal of this is that, the members of the NLD has starts to showdoubts in the decision Miss Aung San Suu Kyi made and therfore they left the NLD to form a new party the NDF. This may indicate that her popularity is decreasing, though in a slow rate, as she passes her years under the house arrest. In conclusion, I really admire Miss Aung San Suu Kyi’s courage and what she had been trying to do.Despite being kept under house arrest for two decades, she is still determined to change Myanmar in a way she believes in. Also if it had not been her, the citizens of Myanmar would not have tried to fight for their freedoms and rights. However no matter how determined she is, the military junta will, by all means try to get her out of their way. An example would be her endless loop of house arrest which will cause her to miss the election that is coming up on the 7 November. Moreover the non-violence demonstration had been going on for decades and nothing had really changes ever since they started.If her focus is just on social reform, it can work on a short term basis but not in the long run. Moreover, she is losing support from her own party as she is being too idealistic. She has ideas in mind but has not done anything to realise them . Therefore, I think that, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi may not be able to really change Myanmar.Reference Aung San Suu Kyi. (2010, August 15). Retrieved August 31, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikiquote. org/wiki/Aung_San_Suu_Kyi Burmese General Election, 1990. (2010, August 28). Retrieved August 30, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Burmese_general_election,_1990 Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes. (1997, January 19). Retrieved August 2010, 31, from Brainy Quote: http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/d/daw_aung_san_suu_kyi. html The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991. (2010, August 30). Retrieved August 30, 2010, from Nobel Prize: http://nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1991/kyi-bio. html# Wallechinsky, D. (1997, January 19). The Voice of Her People: Aung San Suu Kyi. Retrieved August 31, 2010, from Parade: http://www. parade. com/articles/editions/1997/edition_01-19-1997/aung-san-suu-kyi. html? index=2
Thursday, January 9, 2020
History of Child Labor Practices in the United States Essay
One could not begin to speak of the unspeakable regarding the notion of child labor, not only in the US, but the ugly truth about the practice through out the world, with out making reference to the practice of employing children in a historical perspective, i. e., since children have been around. The truth is it - the practice - of putting children to work has always been with us as a species, and most likely will be part of our human story for as long as we exist. However, here in the United States we would like to believe that as a modernnation, we can agree as a civilized society, that children have a place as not only gentle creatures of our very fabric, but ultimately also serve as the instruments of our very destiny. For as†¦show more content†¦However, we can still find children being abused. We can still discover children being abused and used as the lowest form workingclass people. Such websites like Human Rights Watch, allow people to keep up with child labor events through the world. Hundreds of thousands of children continue to be exploited in the United States. Many forms of evidence has been gathered that informs people that children as young as eight and younger are put to work in arenas such agriculture, heavy industrial, farms and ranches. The children are victims to five times the fatalities of their adults and older children, who suffer injuries related with these industries. The most extreme child labor employment are sweat shops. Sweat shops are no secret to many people in the world. Sweat ships force children to work in unbearable type conditions. Even though they are protections in place, the illegality of employing children and the consequences that follow are tragic to say the least. This is not only true for the child ,but also for our society as a whole. Why would someone use child labor? At first glance it would seem that child labor is useless. However, child labor can be valuable to employers throughout time. A quote by Lewis Hine explain it best, â€Å"There is work that profits children, and there is work that brings profit only to employers. The object of employing children is not to train them, but to get high profits from their work.†(Hines 1918). In the our country,Show MoreRelated Leadership Ethics and Culture Essay1587 Words  | 7 Pagesis an international, technology-based engineering and construction company. The company provides a full spectrum of industry-services to the hydrocarbon, chemical, energy, forest products, and manufacturing industry. KBR is one of the largest United States government contracting companies in Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently employees of KBR have been charged with accepting briberies. 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